Car Accident – Lost Job. We Can Help. Brampton car accident lawyers

When car accidents happen, they can result in significant disruption to your life and that of your family’s regardless of the nature and extent of your injuries and losses. However, when there are serious, life-altering injuries, the physical, financial and emotional consequences can be devastating. Whether you are the primary income-earner in the family or you contribute to it, being injured means that you need to take time off from work for treatment and rehabilitation.

Medical treatment, hospitalization, follow-up visits, therapy, etc. result in huge expenditure. Emotionally, this is a very difficult time for the victim and loved ones. The injured person may need care and assistance to perform the tasks of daily living, feeding, toileting, grooming etc. The loss of companionship, guidance, and care, help in making important decisions and lack of emotional support, help with household chores and tasks that were available prior to the accident can impact relationships and emotional well-being.

Claiming Compensation

As experienced Brampton car accident lawyers know, accidents are rarely accidental. They are in a large part caused by someone’s fault or negligence. Those injured in the accident are entitled to claim compensation for their losses.

There are different avenues of compensation available to injured victims. Statutory insurance benefits are available in Ontario to all victims through their own auto insurance policies, regardless of fault. This provides some amount of income replacement, reimbursement of medical and rehabilitation expenses and some other categories, based on the terms of the contract. Another area that can be tapped is to file a personal injury lawsuit against the at-fault driver. You are entitled to seek damages for pecuniary and non-pecuniary losses.

Have You Lost Your Job Because Of Inability To Work?

One of the most distressing aspects of being injured in an accident is the loss of function or working capability. It can put people and families into a serious financial crisis. Income replacement is essential because it helps to restore financial stability. In general, up to 70% of gross income replacement may be awarded and in some cases, this can go up to 100% based on the individual circumstances of each case.

Injured While Driving To/On Work

If the collision happened while you were driving to work, using a company vehicle, or were traveling on work related to the company’s business, other complex issues may arise. These concerns help in establishing the actual liability and responsibility, determining which insurance company should make the settlement payout, exploring other avenues and special benefits including workers’ compensation etc.

This is where an experienced, knowledgeable Brampton personal injury lawyer can give you the right advice and assistance.

Most people are unaware of the various options available to them. They may also not know how the specific laws in Ontario are applicable in their cases. Employers can be held liable if the collision occurred within the scope of your employment terms, the accident happened when you were on company work, and the company would have benefited from the work that you were on. In such cases, the company’s insurance coverage will apply as third-party damages. This also applies to drivers and passengers in the at-fault vehicle, pedestrians, passengers in the company’s vehicles etc. However, if you were on a personal errand or business at the time of the accident, or were committing a crime at the time, like drunken driving or running a red light, the liability remains with you.

In addition to employer’s compensation, you are also entitled to file a personal injury suit against the at-fault driver. Since employer’s compensation generally covers only a part of the lost wages and does not compensate you for pain and suffering, this additional suit can help you to make up the shortfall. 

How Is Income Loss Calculated?

Under Ontario laws, the injured person is not eligible to receive any compensation for the first seven days following an automobile accident. This clause does not apply for injuries sustained in other types of accidents. Statutory accident benefits coverage is available up to a maximum of $400 per week, but if there is a difference between this amount and what you normally earn, you have to claim this from the at-fault party. Generally, income loss is calculated by examining your previous paychecks, tax returns, bank statements and any other documents that can prove how much you were earning.

Income replacement also depends on the nature and extent of an injury and your age at the time of the accident. If you are completely disabled, you may receive more compensation, again based on your age, possible career path, pay hikes you may have received, and also your ability to take up an alternate career at a later stage.

These benefits are not for life and you have to ensure that a suitable life-plan is created and documented so that your future is taken care of.

Avoid Nasty Slip and Fall Accidents: Keep Your Premises Safe with Absorbent Runners

Slide and Slip: A Hospital Trip!

Slip or Trip and fall accidents happen out of the blue but their effects can last for a very long time. These nasty mishaps occur anywhere and at any time to anyone, resulting in a variety of injuries, ranging from minor sprains, bruises and cuts to serious fractures, traumatic brain injuries, head and neck injuries, facial and dental damage and in extreme cases to permanent disability or even death.

Serious injuries have a lasting impact on the physical, financial and emotional well-being of not just  the injured person but also of the family. If the victim contributed to the family income or was the sole income-earner, the family’s finances take a huge impact. This coupled with the emotional trauma, shock, confusion and anxiety and the cost of medical and rehabilitation care makes life difficult indeed.

Property owners have a duty of care to ensure that all those who visit their premises are assured of reasonable safety. If you or a dear one has been injured in a slip and fall accident, contact the nearest Burlington personal injury lawyer. You may be entitled to compensation.

Stay Safe!

In general, slip/trip and fall accidents are caused by:

  • wet greasy floors
  • liquid spills
  • freshly-polished or mopped floors
  • lack of warning signs
  • unanchored rugs, carpets
  • badly-maintained grounds, floors
  • poor lighting
  • missing broken insufficient hand-rails
  • broken steps or stairwells
  • damaged tiles
  • pot-holes
  • unmarked elevation changes
  • debris clutter

Property owners need to have a regular inspection-maintenance-repair-replace schedule to keep their premises safe. Burlington personal injury lawyers can evaluate your case and help you with the right information, advice and assistance.

Absorbent Runners

Today, there are many products that help home-owners, work-place and retail space management and public property owners to keep their premises as safe as possible. PVC fiber material absorbent runners can absorb large quantities of liquid and keep the area dry and safe for walking.

These products are great to use around pool areas, shower/locker rooms, factory floors, kitchens, in boats, around the bath-tub etc. These runners are also anti-slip and can help prevent accidents even on hard flooring. Some of them are manufactured using the latest micro-fiber technologies, and can soak up huge quantities of liquid. Some are specially designed to soak up oil spills, chemicals and grease. They also dry in double-quick time, are durable and easily machine-washed.

During winters, you can place them over your regular carpeting so that people trooping in with muddy shoes and boots don’t ruin your expensive floor-coverings.

Establishing Liability

Such accidents are usually caused by someone’s fault/negligence/breaching of safety norms. However, establishing these aspects can be challenging without presentation of robust evidence that fixes responsibility and proves negligence.

When you suffer injuries in a slip and fall accident, it’s important to report and document it immediately. Seek medical attention without delay, however minor you assume your injuries to be.

An experienced Burlington personal injury lawyer can help you to put together a compelling compensation claim, backed by strong proof and evidence.

Icicles And Snowdrifts On Roof-Tops: These Winter Pile-Ups Can Be Dangerous!

Brampton personal injury lawyers know that icicles and snow-laden roofs may look great on Christmas cards and in family photos, but they can cause accidents that are far from pretty!

Known as ice dams, the icicles that hang so charmingly from the eaves of your roof can cause huge problems to your roof, pose a hazard to occupants and visitors and also raise heating and energy costs inside the house.

Brampton Personal Injury Lawyer

All these issues have serious implications for homeowners and property owners. If you’ve been injured in an accident caused by ice dams or faced losses because of snow pile-ups on your roof, contact the nearest personal injury lawyer in Brampton. You may be entitled to compensation under the Toronto Municipal Code.

What Causes Ice Dams?

Icicles are essentially formed by water run-offs from melted snow which re-freeze when the temperature falls again. An ice dam is a raised ridge that’s formed because of repeated freezing and melting of ice at different times. This ridge prevents falling snow from sliding off your roof. Instead the layers of snow accumulate on your roof. Occasional warm temperatures may cause a portion of the dam to melt and drip, forming icicles as the temperature goes down again.

Icicles are also an indication that your roof is losing heat. Since warm air rises to the top portions of the building, it escapes through gaps in ceilings, attics and damaged portions of roofs. This causes snow on roofs to melt and form dams or icicles.

Slip and Fall Injury Lawyer

Hazards of Icicles and Ice Dams

Dams can force water to flow back into the shingles, and ultimately into the walls and ceilings of the building, causing serious damage to brick, plaster and wood-work.

A 2014 report in the Toronto Star reveals that it’s not just older buildings that have this problem. Ultra-modern towers with super energy-saving features like energy-efficient glass, use the latest building materials and are constructed using cutting-edge design elements play a huge role in increasing the risks of falling snow and ice.

Though the Ontario Building Codes specify the wind and snow load bearing capacity of roofs, they don’t address the issue of sliding or falling snow. These laws hold the city liable for removing ice and snow from the streets but not from roofs. This is the property owner’s responsibility.

Roof-Top Avalanche Injuries

Sudden release of piled-up snow from the dam or careless removal of snow pile-ups can be dangerous. People can be seriously injured by falling snow, children and older people can be buried underneath, they can die of hypothermia or suffer serious brain damage due to cold. Other injuries include:

  • Broken bones
  • Facial/Dental damage
  • Crush/Impact Injuries
  • Traumatic head/neck injuries

Predicting when a slide could happen is almost impossible and this  depends on a large variety of conditions. However, the risk to unwary pedestrians and other road users in the vicinity can be enormous. In many countries with traditionally heavy snow-fall, orienting the roof away from pedestrian traffic is recommended for this reason.

Our experienced slip and fall injury lawyers can assist you to file a personal injury claim for compensation if you have been injured in such an accident.

Toronto Slip and Fall Injury Lawyers: Your Cause is Our Case!

Walking is Healthy! Keep it Safe! 

Toronto personal injury lawyers Singh Barristers are aware that innumerable studies have demonstrated the benefits of walking. Surveys put Toronto as the second most walkable city in Canada. This is the result of several factors – local amenities, grocery-shops, accessible health-services, libraries, restaurants, schools, parks etc.

While walkability decreases people’s dependence on motor-vehicle/non-motorized transportation, it also brings into focus safety measures and convenience of walking for pedestrians. Both public and private spaces have to be maintained in a state of reasonable safety for walkers and pedestrians.

Toronto’s harsh winters make walking challenging for older adults, though they are the highest beneficiaries of this form of exercise.

Statistics gathered between 2006-15 reveal that there were nearly 30,000 emergency department visits and 2,800 hospitalizations due to slip and fall injuries among Toronto residents.

Such injuries cost the provincial health-care system nearly $4,000,000 annually. The city had to fork out nearly $6,700,000  annually in the form of liability insurance claims.

If you or a dear one has been injured in a slip and fall accident, contact the nearest personal injury lawyer in Toronto. You may be entitled to compensation.

How We Can Assist

People injured in slip/trip and fall accidents often fail to report the accident, seek medical help or make a compensation claim for their injuries. There are several reasons for this. They assume that:

  • The accident was partly their fault
  • Their injuries are not serious
  • Seeking legal assistance is bothersome, expensive and time-consuming
  • Their insurance coverage will take care of their costs
  • The at-fault party would readily settle

However, all these aspects can be detrimental to your physical, financial and emotional well-being. Your injuries could be more serious than previously assumed. Insurance-companies may not act in good faith.

Our experienced Toronto slip and fall injury lawyers can assist you to get the compensation you deserve.

Filing a personal injury case prevents further, more serious accidents to other people in that spot. The owner/occupier of the premises has to be held accountable for negligence and safety-violations.

Our 24 hour injury lawyers safeguard your interests!

If you, your family or a friend has been injured in an accident, please feel free to speak to one of our injury lawyers for a free consultation about how we are able to assist in making a personal injury claim. We consult in all cities across Ontario with a no win no fee guarantee. Our personal injury lawyers have helped victims secure millions of dollars in personal injury cases. Call us Toll Free On our 24/7 Injury Hotline: 1 – 844 495 7333 or Text a Personal Injury ‎Lawyer 24/7 and get instant help. (416 931 5015)

Brampton Personal Injury Lawyers: You Can Benefit From Our Experience!

You May Be Entitled to Compensation! 

Brampton personal injury lawyers Singh Barristers regularly meet clients who have been injured in accidents that were caused by someone else’s fault or negligence. 

Contact the nearest personal injury lawyer in Brampton if you or a dear one has been injured in a car accident or a slip and fall accident. You could be entitled to compensation. 

We offer an initial, free, no-obligations evaluation to assess the viability and worth of your claim. 

Our experienced Brampton car accident lawyer and Brampton slip and fall injury lawyer can provide a swift, genuine and comprehensive assessment of your case. This helps you to decide on the way forward. 

Do I Really Need Legal Assistance? 

In general, victims and their families tend to focus on recovering their health and getting their lives back on track. 

They assume that insurance policies will cover their expenses and compensate them for their injuries and losses. 

However, there are several complex legal, medical and insurance issues involved in seeing the compensation claim through to the end and in achieving the settlement you deserve. 

Going it alone could be difficult if you’re unfamiliar with the process. Additionally, if you’re recovering from your injuries, you may not be in a position to attend to these issues. 

In minor fender-bender accidents, it’s wiser to let insurance companies handle the matter. However, in the case of serious damages and injuries, an experienced Brampton personal injury lawyer with successful experience in handling similar cases can be of great assistance. 

We’re On Your Side! 

Our 24 hour injury lawyers advocate, advise and assist you. You should bring all relevant documents to your first consultation with us. These include medical bills, photographs/news-reports of site where accident occurred, contact details of witnesses if any.


  • Have experience in negotiating with insurance-companies
  • Understand the severity of damages/injuries
  • Have knowledge of insurance-company stalling tactics
  • Can access police-reports/witness-statements
  • Can communicate with insurers/claims-adjusters/at-fault party
  • Can build a robust claim backed by relevant evidence
  • Can protect your interests 

Getting legal assistance gives you a better chance of achieving your  settlement goals.

If you, your family or a friend has been injured in an accident, please feel free to speak to one of our injury lawyers for a free consultation about how we are able to assist in making a personal injury claim. We consult in all cities across Ontario with a no win no fee guarantee. Our personal injury lawyers have helped victims secure millions of dollars in personal injury cases. Call us Toll Free On our 24/7 Injury Hotline: 1 – 844 495 7333 or Text a Personal Injury ‎Lawyer 24/7 and get instant help. (416 931 5015)

Toronto Personal Injury Lawyers: Protecting Pedestrian Rights!

“Pedestrians Don’t Come With Airbags!” – Safety Slogan 

Toronto personal injury lawyers Singh Barristers know from experience that accidents can happen anywhere. People walking on the street can be knocked down by a speeding/drunken driver running a red-light. Others walking on the pavement may slip and fall because of a puddle of water pooled under a building’s air-conditioning unit. 

Often, major injuries result from such accidents. 

Such accidents have a serious impact on not just the person who was injured, but also on their families. 

Injuries mean: 

  • Time out from work/school/house-hold duties
  • Loss of income/wages/earning-capacity
  • Hefty medical and rehabilitation bills
  • Pain and suffering 

In the case of very severe injuries, the victim may suffer disability, disfigurement or even death.

It’s important to understand that most accidents are preventable and avoidable. They’re usually caused by someone else’s fault or negligence.

Contact the nearest personal injury lawyer in Toronto if you or a dear one has been injured in an accident. You may be entitled to compensation.

Pedestrian Rights in Ontario

Ontario laws provide certain rights to pedestrians. As of January 1, 2016, all drivers, including bicyclists, have to yield the entire roadway at pedestrian and school crossings and other crossings where there is a crossing-guard. These rules are not applicable at traffic-signs or stop signs where there is no crossing-guard.

Drivers and pedestrians both have a duty to remain safe and ensure the safety of other road users.

In general, pedestrians have right of way, as our experienced Toronto personal injury lawyers are aware. However, they are also expected to abide by the rules. Jaywalking is prohibited throughout the province.

An experienced Toronto car accident lawyer can evaluate your case and advise you on the way forward, if your accident happened due to a motor-vehicle driver’s fault or negligence.

Slip and Fall Accidents

Toronto slip and fall injury lawyer can assess the circumstances under which you slipped/tripped and injured yourself.

Such cases fall under premises/occupier’s liability. If your accident occurred on government/municipality-owned property or residential/private property, our 24 hour injury lawyers can help put together a robust claim for compensation.

We help you get the compensation you deserve!

If you, your family or a friend has been injured in an accident, please feel free to speak to one of our injury lawyers for a free consultation about how we are able to assist in making a personal injury claim. We consult in all cities across Ontario with a no win no fee guarantee. Our personal injury lawyers have helped victims secure millions of dollars in personal injury cases. Call us Toll Free On our 24/7 Injury Hotline: 1 – 844 495 7333 or Text a Personal Injury ‎Lawyer 24/7 and get instant help. (416 931 5015)

Mississauga Slip and Fall Injury Lawyers: Advice, Assistance, Advocacy!

Supermarket or Grocery Store Slip and Fall? Know Your Rights! 

Mississauga personal injury lawyers Singh Barristers handle cases where people have suffered injuries following a slip and fall accident in a grocery store or supermarket. 

Such accidents can result in serious injuries, especially if the victim was an older person or a pregnant woman. 

Customers can get injured while entering, during their time inside or while leaving the premises. 

If you or a dear one has been injured in a slip and fall accident, contact the nearest personal injury lawyer in Mississauga. 

You may be entitled to compensation under Ontario laws. 

Typical Causes of Slip/Trip and Fall Accidents 

Accidents are usually the result of someone’s fault or negligence. They can also happen because of a deliberate violation of safety-norms due to cost-cutting etc. Some accidents happen because the owner/occupier was unaware of the safety-norms. However all these reasons do not reduce their liability or responsibility for ensuring safety.

Typical reasons include: 

  • Slick/wet/uneven floor
  • Liquid spills/puddles from air-conditioning units
  • Unsalted/Un-sanded parking lots, entrances, exits
  • Poorly-lit areas
  • Unanchored mats/floor-coverings/rugs
  • Missing/damaged tiles
  • Malfunctioning elevators/escalators
  • Raised ledges/unmarked level changes
  • Potholes/cracks
  • Rubble/debris
  • Missing hand-rails/fencing
  • Lack of warning-signs
  • Badly-maintained stairs/steps 

What Next? 

A few important steps enhance your chances of claiming compensation from the owners/occupiers. They also help you to protect yourself and provide proof of the owner’s/occupier’s liability. 

Our experienced Mississauga slip and fall injury lawyer can advise you to: 

  • Immediately visit a doctor
  • Have your injuries assessed
  • Follow medical recommendations
  • Preserve all bills/receipts
  • Report the accident immediately to someone in authority
  • Never confront anyone on site
  • Take photos of the location and cause of the accident
  • Note time, date, address
  • Get contact details of witnesses if any
  • Avoid posting on social media
  • Avoid making admissions, apologies, submissions, recorded statements
  • Avoid dealing with at-fault parties unless you have legal advice 

We Advocate For You! 

Our 24 hour injury lawyers help you put together a robust claim for the compensation you deserve.

If you, your family or a friend has been injured in an accident, please feel free to speak to one of our injury lawyers for a free consultation about how we are able to assist in making a personal injury claim. We consult in all cities across Ontario with a no win no fee guarantee. Our personal injury lawyers have helped victims secure millions of dollars in personal injury cases. Call us Toll Free On our 24/7 Injury Hotline: 1 – 844 495 7333 or Text a Personal Injury ‎Lawyer 24/7 and get instant help. (416 931 5015)

Toronto Personal Injury Lawyers: When Injuries Affect Your Life

Safety Is Choice, Not Chance! 

Toronto personal injury lawyers Singh Barristers who meet with clients injured in accidents understand that accidents are not always accidental. They’re usually the result of another person’s fault or negligence. Car accidents or slip and fall accidents happen because of violation or ignorance of safety norms, internal or external factors. When these “accidents” are thoroughly investigated, the root cause can be identified. 

Unfortunately, accidents also impact the victim and their families. They face enormous physical, financial and emotional consequences. If the injuries are serious, they face a life-time of pain, disability and loss of quality of living. 

If you or a dear one has been injured in an accident caused by someone’s negligence, contact the nearest personal injury lawyer in Toronto. You may be entitled to compensation. This may be available in the form of statutory benefits that are given to Ontario residents injured in motor-vehicle accidents. Or victims and their families can file a personal injury suit against the responsible party, claiming compensation for the damages. 

What Is Personal Injury? 

Personal injury laws relate to legal remedies/defenses available to victims of wrongful conduct or negligence. Personal injury cases are instituted in civil laws and they are based on the doctrine of negligence and the presumption that every member of society has to act responsibly and avoid putting others at risk. 

Liability and negligence have to be proved and the plaintiff has to show that anyone else in the defendant’s position would have acted with responsibility and reasonableness under the circumstances. 

Plaintiffs have to demonstrate the direct relationship between accident, injury and damages. 

When liability and negligence have been established, the defendant must pay the plaintiff for all the damages caused by the accident in question. 

Punitive damages may also be available. 

Experienced Toronto car accident lawyer and Toronto slip and fall injury lawyer can assist with the claims process and ensure that your rights are safeguarded. 

Toronto personal injury lawyers help you put together a robust claim, handle the complex legal, medical and insurance issues and advocate for you so that your interests are protected throughout.

If you, your family or a friend has been injured in an accident, please feel free to speak to one of our injury lawyers for a free consultation about how we are able to assist in making a personal injury claim. We consult in all cities across Ontario with a no win no fee guarantee. Our personal injury lawyers have helped victims secure millions of dollars in personal injury cases. Call us Toll Free On our 24/7 Injury Hotline: 1 – 844 495 7333 or Text a Personal Injury ‎Lawyer 24/7 and get instant help. (416 931 5015)

Toronto Car Accident Lawyers: How Hiring A Personal Injury Lawyer Can Benefit You and Your Family

We Have the Experience 

Toronto car accident lawyers Singh Barristers regularly handle cases where innocent people have been injured in car accidents. Most people assume that accidents are “mere accidents.” However, it’s a fact that most accidents are preventable and avoidable. 

Given this scenario, accidents are caused by someone’s fault or negligence, or violation of safety norms. 

Accidents impose a huge financial, physical and emotional burden on victims and their families. 

Experienced Toronto car accident lawyer can help you get the compensation you deserve to ease this burden. 

How We Can Help 

As 24 hour injury lawyers, we provide an initial, free, no-obligation consultation to evaluate your case. This helps us to  understand the circumstances and provide relevant advice based on this. It helps you to clearly enunciate the injuries you’ve suffered and the outcome you expect. We also inform and educate you about your rights. 

We identify the pertinent issues and conduct independent investigations to build a robust claim. We enlist the help of auto and medical experts, car-crash specialists, witnesses etc. Relevant photographic or CCTV footage can be accessed if available, along with police/traffic/medical records. 

In case of serious injuries, we work with multi-disciplinary teams to build a comprehensive life-care plan that takes care of your present and future requirements. 

We believe that victims and their families deserve not just monetary compensation – they should also be treated with dignity, respect and compassion. 

Most personal injury claims are settled out of court, through negotiations with at-fault party, their insurers and legal representatives. We advocate your cause in all such conferences and ensure that your interests remain uppermost. 

However, if such talks prove unfruitful, we’re fully prepared to go to trial and represent you ably. 

When you contact the nearest personal injury lawyer in Toronto for a consultation, ensure that you do your own homework and hire the right professional. 

Personal injury lawyers are bound by strict codes of ethics, confidentiality and allegiance once they take up your case. As experienced personal injury lawyers with 5 star rating on Google from clients, we ensure that your rights are fully protected till full and satisfactory settlement has been achieved.

If you, your family or a friend has been injured in an accident, please feel free to speak to one of our injury lawyers for a free consultation about how we are able to assist in making a personal injury claim. We consult in all cities across Ontario with a no win no fee guarantee. Our personal injury lawyers have helped victims secure millions of dollars in personal injury cases. Call us Toll Free On our 24/7 Injury Hotline: 1 – 844 495 7333 or Text a Personal Injury ‎Lawyer 24/7 and get instant help. (416 931 5015)

Toronto Slip and Fall Injury Lawyers: The Role Of A Personal Injury Lawyer

You Deserve Compensation! 

Toronto slip and fall injury lawyer Singh Barristers know from experience that many people fail to report slip and fall accidents and the injuries they suffer. There are several reasons for this. 

  • Embarrassment
  • Assuming that injuries are minor
  • Reluctance to confront at-fault party
  • Reluctance to undertake legal action
  • Assuming that legal assistance is expensive, time-consuming, arduous
  • Assuming that you were partly to blame
  • Lack of time 

Why It’s Important to Report

Reporting an accident and getting compensation for injuries suffered as a result is important from a medical, legal and insurance standpoint. Seemingly minor injuries could turn out to be more serious later. You could miss important statutory deadlines to file legal proceedings if the accident goes unreported.

Additionally, those whose negligence, fault or violation of safety norms caused the accident may go unpunished. This would lead to others being similarly injured in future.

Contact the nearest personal injury lawyer in Toronto if you or a dear one has been injured in a slip and fall accident. You may be entitled to compensation

What To Do When You’re Injured in a Slip/trip and fall Accident

  • Report immediately to someone in authority
  • Never apologize or make admissions
  • Get contact details of witnesses if any
  • Collect photographic evidence of the location and cause of the accident
  • Make a note of the exact time / date
  • Visit a doctor immediately
  • Follow medical advice meticulously
  • Don’t miss doctor’s/physiotherapist appointments
  • Never give recorded statements to insurers, even your own
  • Avoid signing documents, providing authorizations, etc without your 24 hour injury lawyer’s advice
  • Avoid making quick settlements under pressure
  • Avoid posting on social media
  • Hire an experienced premises liability lawyer 

How We Can Help

Under the Occupier’s Liability Act, the person in physical possession of premises, or someone who has control over and is responsible for activities conducted there is responsible for the safety of those who legitimately visit.

Occupiers/insurers may try to prove that they took all reasonable precautions and that the accident was the victim’s fault.

Our experienced Toronto slip and fall injury lawyers can help you assemble a robust claim so that you get the compensation you justly deserve.

If you, your family or a friend has been injured in an accident, please feel free to speak to one of our injury lawyers for a free consultation about how we are able to assist in making a personal injury claim. We consult in all cities across Ontario with a no win no fee guarantee. Our personal injury lawyers have helped victims secure millions of dollars in personal injury cases. Call us Toll Free On our 24/7 Injury Hotline: 1 – 844 495 7333 or Text a Personal Injury ‎Lawyer 24/7 and get instant help. (416 931 5015)