What Is Patellar Fracture?

The patella or kneecap is a triangular, free floating, a bony plate that acts as a shield for the knee joint. When serious accidents happen, this area can be injured, leading to fractures in the patella. The plate may break evenly into one or two pieces, or it may shatter into multiple fragments. Simple fractures can be treated with the help of a splint or cast until the break mends. In complicated cases, the joint itself moves out of place and surgery is required to realign it and ensure that the kneecap becomes functional again.

“Dashboard knee” is a common hazard in motor-vehicle accidents. It happens when the knee area slams into the vehicle’s dashboard. For passengers seated in the rear, this may not be such a risk but their knees may get impacted by the seat in front or by the hard interiors of the vehicle doors etc. Unfortunately, wearing a seatbelt may not protect you from dashboard knee. The impact forces cause people to slip under the seatbelt and come in contact with hard surfaces. These injuries have to be attended to immediately by a qualified doctor and/or orthopedic specialist.

What are symptoms of Patellar fracture?

Symptoms include severe pain, swelling, tenderness in the area, bruising, blood-clotting, open wounds, abrasions etc. You may have difficulty in straightening/bending the knee. The physician can confirm the diagnosis with the help of X-rays or MRI scans.

What is treatment of Patellar fracture?

Treatments include pain-management, electrical stimulation to reduce inflammation, cold laser therapy and ice to reduce pain and swelling, application of cast, surgery, etc, based on the nature and extent of damage. Contact an experienced personal injury lawyer. You may be entitled to compensation.

What Are The Common Fractures Sustained In Auto Accidents?

Car accidents are a common reason for fractures and broken bones. Collisions cause the body to experience huge impact forces, resulting in various types of injuries. If you or a dear one has sustained injuries in a car accident, it is your legal right to seek compensation for your losses. Accidents are rarely accidental and most of them are caused by someone’s fault or negligence.

Any bone in the body can break when battered by the impact forces in a collision. You may be thrown against hard interior surfaces, thrown out of the car or you may be caught between parts of the vehicle or between two vehicles. Crush impact happens when large vehicles collide with smaller ones. When collisions happen, people instinctively throw their hands in front of their faces resulting in broken wrist, fingers, elbow etc. You may also extend your feet or slam on the brakes reflexively, causing fractures.

What are the common fractures and their effect?

Common fractures include Tibia, Fibula, Femur fractures, hip, rib and pelvis fractures, back and shoulder bone fractures, facial and skull fracture, cervical (neck) fracture, wrist and arm fractures. Though most of these are not life-threatening, they result in restricted mobility, long/short-term disability, loss of function, pain, and suffering. Since the victim has to undergo various types of treatments and therapies and be on painkillers, they are unable to work. Loss of income/medical-rehabilitation expenses causes financial crises. Contact an experienced personal injury lawyer to help you understand your rights and entitlements and help you get the compensation you deserve.

How To Deal With Sciatica Pain After A Car Accident

Car accidents result in a variety of injuries. Some of them are serious and immediately visible and the treatment has to be given at once. Other injuries may be less visible, or the symptoms appear after a time lapse.

A good example is neck and back problems that follow car accidents. Even if your car was traveling at slow speeds and the impact was not very severe, the body may jerk in different directions and cause stress/strain to these areas. Based on your age and general health condition, the healing process can be short or long.

What is Sciatica pain?

Sciatica pain happens because of injury or damage to the sciatic nerve. It is the longest in the body, starting at the hip area and runs all the way down to your legs and feet. Radiating pain is felt commonly on the back of the legs. The condition of “sciatica” describes a variety of pains, ranging from dull aches to acute and intense bursts of pain. Tingling, numbness and weakness of the legs and back may be there. If you’re employed in a sedentary or desk job, sciatic pain can become more severe. Patients in the age group of 30-50 are most prone to this condition. Diabetes is also a contributory factor. In extreme cases, loss of bowel and bladder function may occur.

Early intervention is essential. Pain can be treated with OTC painkillers and physical therapy, exercise, hot and cold therapy. Stronger pain-management is recommended for serious cases, along with spinal steroid injections, surgery etc.

It’s important to contact an experienced car accident lawyer immediately, to ensure that you receive satisfactory compensation for your injuries and losses.

How Do Car Accidents Cause Fractured Kneecaps?

Kneecap fracture is caused when the knee area sustains a direct blow as a result of a motor vehicle accident, sports accident or a slip and fall accident when the knee is severely impacted with a hard surface. These injuries cause immense pain and restrict your mobility for a long time, till the area is completely healed. These fractures account for nearly one percent of all bone injuries. There can be a partial or complete fracture, the bone may break into two or more pieces, depending on the nature and extent of the impact.

What is kneecap? The “kneecap” is a triangular section of bone that is located in front of the knee. It is connected to the joint and the upper and lower leg by several tendons and ligaments. It is not essential in walking or bending the leg, but it helps to increase muscle efficiency and acts as a shock absorber. When we perform activities like climbing stairs or squatting, the kneecap absorbs the maximum stress.

What are the symptoms of kneecap fracture?

The symptoms include severe pain and swelling, inability to extend the leg, tenderness when pressure is applied and a deformed appearance. It’s important to consult a qualified doctor immediately if you experience any injury in your knee area after an accident. Fractures are diagnosed by X-rays and physical examination.

Treatment is based on the severity of damage. Painkillers, surgery, kneecap replacement surgery, etc may be required. Physiotherapy is needed post-surgery to regain flexibility.

If you or a dear one has suffered such an injury, contact an experienced car accident lawyer immediately. You may be entitled to compensation.

Car Accident Injuries: Dealing With Hip Pain

If you or a dear one has suffered injuries in a car accident, it’s important to be aware of the different areas where you may feel pain. When there are serious injuries, it’s possible that the trauma prevents you from feeling lesser pains in other areas. These injuries, if left untreated, can cause bigger problems like osteoporosis etc later on. After consulting a qualified doctor, contact a car accident lawyer immediately. You may be entitled to compensation.

What is a cause of Hip pain?

Hip pain is a common after-effect in motor-vehicle accidents. This is caused by a variety of injuries like acetabular fracture (break in the hip joint bones), bursitis (inflammation of the bursae) hip fracture or dislocation, tendonitis etc.

Such injuries occur when the knee slams into the dashboard, due to forceful impact in a collision, or sudden jerking movements that cause sprains/strains/tendon-tear etc.

What is treatment of Hip pain?

Treatment comprises pain-management, anti-inflammatory drugs, physiotherapy, activity modification, steroids or surgery.

There are serious physical, financial and emotional consequences, both long and short term. Restricted mobility and post-surgical convalescence may require the injured person to discontinue working. Traumatic arthritis and excruciating pain are some of the after-effects. Pain relieving medications can cause the person to be drowsy and unable to work. This leads to loss of income/wages. High medical and rehabilitation expenses, along with pain and suffering can cause enormous distress to the entire family. If your accident was caused by someone else’s fault/negligence, you’re entitled to compensation. Our experienced personal injury lawyers can help you get the compensation you deserve.

Toronto Personal Injury Lawyers: When Injuries Affect Your Life

Safety Is Choice, Not Chance! 

Toronto personal injury lawyers Singh Barristers who meet with clients injured in accidents understand that accidents are not always accidental. They’re usually the result of another person’s fault or negligence. Car accidents or slip and fall accidents happen because of violation or ignorance of safety norms, internal or external factors. When these “accidents” are thoroughly investigated, the root cause can be identified. 

Unfortunately, accidents also impact the victim and their families. They face enormous physical, financial and emotional consequences. If the injuries are serious, they face a life-time of pain, disability and loss of quality of living. 

If you or a dear one has been injured in an accident caused by someone’s negligence, contact the nearest personal injury lawyer in Toronto. You may be entitled to compensation. This may be available in the form of statutory benefits that are given to Ontario residents injured in motor-vehicle accidents. Or victims and their families can file a personal injury suit against the responsible party, claiming compensation for the damages. 

What Is Personal Injury? 

Personal injury laws relate to legal remedies/defenses available to victims of wrongful conduct or negligence. Personal injury cases are instituted in civil laws and they are based on the doctrine of negligence and the presumption that every member of society has to act responsibly and avoid putting others at risk. 

Liability and negligence have to be proved and the plaintiff has to show that anyone else in the defendant’s position would have acted with responsibility and reasonableness under the circumstances. 

Plaintiffs have to demonstrate the direct relationship between accident, injury and damages. 

When liability and negligence have been established, the defendant must pay the plaintiff for all the damages caused by the accident in question. 

Punitive damages may also be available. 

Experienced Toronto car accident lawyer and Toronto slip and fall injury lawyer can assist with the claims process and ensure that your rights are safeguarded. 

Toronto personal injury lawyers help you put together a robust claim, handle the complex legal, medical and insurance issues and advocate for you so that your interests are protected throughout.

If you, your family or a friend has been injured in an accident, please feel free to speak to one of our injury lawyers for a free consultation about how we are able to assist in making a personal injury claim. We consult in all cities across Ontario with a no win no fee guarantee. Our personal injury lawyers have helped victims secure millions of dollars in personal injury cases. Call us Toll Free On our 24/7 Injury Hotline: 1 – 844 495 7333 or Text a Personal Injury ‎Lawyer 24/7 and get instant help. (416 931 5015)