Accidents Aren’t Always Accidental: Ontario Provincial Police Reports

Brampton personal injury lawyers are aware that most motor-vehicle mishaps that are termed “accidents” are rarely accidental. Instead, they can be traced down to someone’s fault or negligence, deliberate flouting of safety norms, behavior, habits, etc.

Unfortunately, these events result in tragic physical, financial and emotional consequences for the injured victims and their families. The impact of the accident can change the entire course of someone’s life. Death and disability impose a permanent and irrevocable burden on all those close to the victim.

Studies are regularly conducted on the causes of such accidents and the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) release data that pinpoint some of the causes of accidents.

The Top 4 or Big 4 causes of motor-vehicle accidents are:

  • Distractions
  • Speeding
  • Not Wearing Seat-belt
  • Impaired driving

These factors play an important part in causing crashes and they also affect the kind of injuries suffered by drivers and passengers when a collision happens.

The behavior of drivers and passengers is another equally important criterion. Common mistakes that cause serious collisions have been analyzed by traffic and accident experts. These include:

  • Negligence while turning
  • Wrong use of seat-belt
  • Unrestrained pets
  • Not maintaining lane discipline
  • Improper maintenance of vehicle
  • Driving when drowsy, fatigued or under the influence of alcohol/prescription drugs etc

and many more simple acts of carelessness or deliberate flouting of safety rules.

There are many organizations across Ontario that help to create awareness  about driving and road safety.

Often, the causes of car crashes is put down to speeding. However, speeding is not the only factor. Many pedestrians are killed even in low speed limit zones. This could be because of other aspects like poor visibility, non-functioning crosswalk signals, careless and reckless driving in school-zones, taking sudden U-turns where they’re not permitted etc.

Another reason could be the huge rise in the population of cities like Toronto. The population has doubled in the GTA over the last thirty years, causing an enormous burden on the city’s infrastructure and transportation systems. Mixed traffic on city streets includes pedestrians, cyclists, public and private transportation. Lower speed limits may not solve the problem unless all those who share the road behave with due responsibility and diligence.

Senior citizens and children are among the most vulnerable of pedestrians and they’re also the ones who suffer serious injuries in motor-vehicle collisions. Pedestrians, walkers, runners and joggers are also at risk if they don’t wear reflective clothing and stay alert when they’re out on the street.

A ten year long study conducted by OPP shows that most of the fatalities that took place over the last decade on Ontario roads could have been prevented. However, as many observers and traffic experts have pointed out, studies like this fail to show that there are an equal or higher number of accidents that cause serious and life-altering injuries which put an even larger burden on the state and on the families of the victims.

If you or a dear one has suffered injuries in a motor-vehicle collision, contact an experienced car accident lawyer. We can evaluate the circumstances of your case and apprise you on its merits. You could be entitled to compensation.


Dangerous Rollover Accidents: Why They Happen

Brampton personal injury lawyers know from experience that although “rollover” accidents account for only 3% of crashes, they’re responsible for the worst kind of injuries and fatalities. Studies show that 30% of fatalities in motor-vehicle collisions are those that are caused due to rollover accidents. Apart from death, these accidents can cause catastrophic injuries, permanent disability and disfigurement, amputation and many other life-altering conditions.

Tragically, most of these accidents are preventable. They’re caused by someone’s fault or negligence.

If you or a dear one has been injured in a rollover accident, contact a car accident lawyer with specific experience in dealing with such accidents. You may be entitled to compensation.

What Is A Rollover Accident?

These accidents are caused when a vehicle falls over on its side or roof. They are complex collisions and there may be several factors responsible for their occurrence.

Taller and heavier vehicles like SUVs and trucks are more likely to roll over or turn turtle in a collision because of their higher center of gravity. This makes the vehicle less stable. When the vehicle rolls over, passengers and driver are at high risk for head injuries, because the roof collapses inwards. Additionally, since people are belted into their seats, they are unable to move. The doors and windows may jam or get blocked making it impossible for people to exit. Though there are new roof rules for passenger vehicles and SUVs, they still may not be enough to contain the potential damage caused by rollover accidents.

Driving an SUV calls for superior driving skills but not all car drivers understand this. It also requires the driver to be more alert and sensitive to the vehicle’s turning and handling capacity at high speed. There are complex rules of Newtonian physics involved in such crashes. Most rollover accidents are lateral rollovers. Modern features like anti-lock brakes can aggravate the problem.

Typical causes for rollover accidents include speeding, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, unfamiliar rural roads, distraction, taking turns recklessly, talking on the cellphone or texting etc. Studies show that nearly 85% of rollover accidents are single vehicle crashes and hence it’s possible to conclude that driver error plays a significant part. A typical example is the collision that occurred on May 17, 2017 on the Springfield Lexington highway.

If you or a dear one has been injured in a rollover accident, our experienced 24×7 injury lawyers can help collate a robust body of evidence with the help of car crash specialists. Accident reconstruction experts can conduct independent investigations into the true causes of the accident and fix the liability.

All injured victims in Ontario are entitled to statutory benefits regardless of fault, but they’re also entitled to file a personal injury suit against the at-fault driver. These accidents can cause huge physical, financial and emotional trauma to not just the victim but also to the entire family. Our Brampton car accident lawyers can ensure that your rights are safeguarded while we help you with getting the compensation you deserve.

Child Passenger Safety: Some Useful Tips

Brampton personal injury lawyers often deal with cases where young children have been seriously injured in car accidents. There’s no kidding around child passenger safety – children and senior citizens are among the most vulnerable of passengers in vehicular collisions. They often suffer serious/fatal injuries that can permanently alter their lives and those of their family-members. 

Although motor-vehicles are thoroughly tested before they are sold, a majority of accidents occur because of driver-error. Distraction, speeding, driving under the influence of alcohol/drugs, reckless driving, road rage, weather conditions, inexperienced drivers, unfamiliar roads and the use of cellphones/texting are some of the leading causes of motor-vehicle collisions. They result in horrible tragedies like the one that occurred in Innisfil, Ontario. 

Studies show that motor vehicle collisions are the leading cause of fatalities among children in Canada. Although all the ten Canadian provinces have stringent rules regarding child-safety seats, a large number of serious injuries/fatalities occur because of non-compliance with these rules. Misuse or non-use of child-safety seats, seatbelts etc are among the common causes of injuries. Ontario laws hold the driver of the vehicle responsible for making sure that a child-passenger below age 16 is properly secured according to their age, weight and size.

The Canadian Public Health Association clearly outlines the proper use of safety devices. The use of appropriate passenger restraints can reduce the risk of injuries in case of a collision. There are different types of restraints and safety devices for children based on their age, size and weight.

  • Rear-facing seats: for children below age 1 and 22 lbs
  • Forward-facing seats: for children ages 4-5, weighing up to 40 lbs
  • Booster seats: for children up to age 9, weighing up to 80lbs and height up to 145 cm.
  • Seat belts for all others.
  • Children should ride in the back seat till they’re 14.
  • Hard, loose toys should not be kept inside the vehicle.
  • Child-seats have expiry-dates. Never use, buy or donate a seat past its expiry date, marked at the back of the seat.
  • Ensure that you change the child-seat if your car has been in a collision, even if the child was not in the car at the time or the seat seems undamaged.

Moving children too early or too late to their age-appropriate category makes child-passenger-seats unsafe. If the child is too small for a seat-belt, but the parents strap him/her in without considering that a booster-seat may be more appropriate, this can result in serious injuries. Severe injuries to spinal cord and internal organs can result, causing what crash specialists call “seat belt syndrome .”

Never leave a child unattended in or around a car. Leaving a sleeping toddler inside a locked car even for a few minutes can be fatal. Drivers should never leave the keys in the ignition even for a second when there is an unattended child inside the car.

Organizations like the Child Passenger Safety Association of Canada 

conduct regular courses for all those interested in reducing and finally eliminating the causes of fatal collisions and risks to child-passenger safety.

Contact an experienced car accident lawyer if you have been involved in an accident that has caused injuries to your children. You may be entitled to compensation.

Mississauga Car Accident Lawyers: Advising You On Your Rights!

You Need Peace of Mind! 

Mississauga car accident lawyer Singh Barristers who regularly handle cases where people have been injured in car accidents understand the emotional toll they take. Not only the injured victim, but also the entire family is affected by such traumatic events.

Most accidents are caused by another’s fault or negligence. Victims and their families undergo enormous physical, financial and emotional consequences.

  • Loss of income/wages/earning capacity
  • High medical and rehabilitation expenses
  • Pain and suffering

You are entitled to seek compensation from those responsible for the accident.

Our experienced Mississauga car accident lawyers can help you claim statutory benefits that all Ontarians are entitled to, payable by your own insurance-company. Additionally, you’re also entitled to file a personal injury suit against the at-fault party.

Emotional Consequences

People tend to focus on the physical and financial aspects of injuries. They concentrate on recovering their physical health and try to deal with their financial problems as quickly as possible.

However, a large and very important part of recovery is regaining your emotional well-being.

As our experienced 24 hour injury lawyers know, psychological health is often ignored in convalescence.

Car accident victims often experience:

  • Sleep disturbances
  • Phobias and anxieties regarding automobiles
  • Heightened stress levels
  • Panic attacks
  • Loss of appetite/weight
  • Comfort-eating/Eating-disorders
  • Alcoholism
  • Survivor guilt
  • Depression
  • Anger/irritability/lack of decision-making
  • Memory lapses
  • Withdrawal from friends, family
  • Lack of concentration, interest
  • Breakdown of relationships
  • Inability to work 

When victims experience any of these symptoms, it’s important that they get the right emotional support from a trained, qualified professional who has the experience in treating similar cases.

Otherwise it can have a serious impact on the lives of victims and their families.

How We Can Help

Our experienced Mississauga personal injury lawyers can arrange for competent psychiatric and psychological evaluation as part of your medical treatment and rehabilitation. We work with your primary care physicians and medical team to ensure that your recovery is complete in all respects.

We also deal with the complex legal, medical and insurance issues involved in making a compensation claim and ensure that your rights are safeguarded. Your peace of mind is our business!

If you, your family or a friend has been injured in an accident, please feel free to speak to one of our injury lawyers for a free consultation about how we are able to assist in making a personal injury claim. We consult in all cities across Ontario with a no win no fee guarantee. Our personal injury lawyers have helped victims secure millions of dollars in personal injury cases. Call us Toll Free On our 24/7 Injury Hotline: 1 – 844 495 7333 or Text a Personal Injury ‎Lawyer 24/7 and get instant help. (416 931 5015)

Mississauga Slip and Fall Injury Lawyers: Advice, Assistance, Advocacy!

Supermarket or Grocery Store Slip and Fall? Know Your Rights! 

Mississauga personal injury lawyers Singh Barristers handle cases where people have suffered injuries following a slip and fall accident in a grocery store or supermarket. 

Such accidents can result in serious injuries, especially if the victim was an older person or a pregnant woman. 

Customers can get injured while entering, during their time inside or while leaving the premises. 

If you or a dear one has been injured in a slip and fall accident, contact the nearest personal injury lawyer in Mississauga. 

You may be entitled to compensation under Ontario laws. 

Typical Causes of Slip/Trip and Fall Accidents 

Accidents are usually the result of someone’s fault or negligence. They can also happen because of a deliberate violation of safety-norms due to cost-cutting etc. Some accidents happen because the owner/occupier was unaware of the safety-norms. However all these reasons do not reduce their liability or responsibility for ensuring safety.

Typical reasons include: 

  • Slick/wet/uneven floor
  • Liquid spills/puddles from air-conditioning units
  • Unsalted/Un-sanded parking lots, entrances, exits
  • Poorly-lit areas
  • Unanchored mats/floor-coverings/rugs
  • Missing/damaged tiles
  • Malfunctioning elevators/escalators
  • Raised ledges/unmarked level changes
  • Potholes/cracks
  • Rubble/debris
  • Missing hand-rails/fencing
  • Lack of warning-signs
  • Badly-maintained stairs/steps 

What Next? 

A few important steps enhance your chances of claiming compensation from the owners/occupiers. They also help you to protect yourself and provide proof of the owner’s/occupier’s liability. 

Our experienced Mississauga slip and fall injury lawyer can advise you to: 

  • Immediately visit a doctor
  • Have your injuries assessed
  • Follow medical recommendations
  • Preserve all bills/receipts
  • Report the accident immediately to someone in authority
  • Never confront anyone on site
  • Take photos of the location and cause of the accident
  • Note time, date, address
  • Get contact details of witnesses if any
  • Avoid posting on social media
  • Avoid making admissions, apologies, submissions, recorded statements
  • Avoid dealing with at-fault parties unless you have legal advice 

We Advocate For You! 

Our 24 hour injury lawyers help you put together a robust claim for the compensation you deserve.

If you, your family or a friend has been injured in an accident, please feel free to speak to one of our injury lawyers for a free consultation about how we are able to assist in making a personal injury claim. We consult in all cities across Ontario with a no win no fee guarantee. Our personal injury lawyers have helped victims secure millions of dollars in personal injury cases. Call us Toll Free On our 24/7 Injury Hotline: 1 – 844 495 7333 or Text a Personal Injury ‎Lawyer 24/7 and get instant help. (416 931 5015)

Mississauga Car Accident Lawyers: Because Accidents Hurt!

The Best Drivers Are Aware That They Must Beware! 

Mississauga car accident lawyer Singh Barristers know from experience that most motor-vehicle accidents are caused by driver error, fault or negligence. Some of the leading causes include: 

  • Speeding
  • Aggressive/negligent/reckless driving/tail-gating
  • Distractions like texting, cellphone use, grooming, eating, adjusting radio/music-system controls, chatting, etc
  • Drunk or impaired driver
  • Failure to obey traffic-signs, safety rules 

Accidents can also be caused by factors like bad weather conditions, inexperienced/aged driver, poor visibility, unfamiliar roads, etc. 

Whatever the cause, the truth is that accidents have a physical, financial and emotional impact on not just injured victims but also on their families and loved ones. 

If you or a dear one has been injured in a car accident caused by someone else’s fault or negligence, contact the nearest personal injury lawyer in Mississauga. You may be entitled to compensation. 

Important Issues and Questions 

Our experienced Mississauga car accident lawyers are trained to deal with injured victims and their families with respect and compassion. 

Most of them are bewildered, in pain, confused and going through emotional trauma. They have many questions and concerns. Some of them include: 

  • What is personal injury?
  • Do I really need a personal injury lawyer?
  • Do I have to pay for a consultation?
  • I don’t have the funds to pay a lawyer or fight a legal battle.
  • Insurance companies want me to sign certain papers.
  • What are statutory benefits? Am I eligible?
  • My insurer talks about “meeting the threshold.” What’s that?
  • How much compensation will I get?
  • Is my family eligible for compensation?
  • How long will the process take?
  • How do I fund my medical and household expenses? 

We have the answers to these and many more questions. Your first consultation is absolutely free, and there are no obligations. We can evaluate your case and provide a swift, genuine and comprehensive assessment. This helps you understand your rights and the merits of your claim.

Most personal injury claims are settled out-of-court. Our 24 hour injury lawyers ensure that your rights are protected throughout the claims process. In case negotiations prove unfruitful, we are prepared to represent you ably in court.

Your interests are uppermost!

If you, your family or a friend has been injured in an accident, please feel free to speak to one of our injury lawyers for a free consultation about how we are able to assist in making a personal injury claim. We consult in all cities across Ontario with a no win no fee guarantee. Our personal injury lawyers have helped victims secure millions of dollars in personal injury cases. Call us Toll Free On our 24/7 Injury Hotline: 1 – 844 495 7333 or Text a Personal Injury ‎Lawyer 24/7 and get instant help. (416 931 5015)

Mississauga Personal Injury Lawyers: Need Help With Your Claim?

Expect the Unexpected! 

Mississauga personal injury lawyers Singh Barristers provide advice and support during a time of crisis. Accidents affect not only the injured victim but also the entire family. 

In the moments following a car accident or a slip and fall accident, the first priority should be to get medical help for the injured person. Treatment and rehabilitation follow and the normal routine of life is interrupted. 

Treatment can be expensive and long drawn-out, depending on the nature and extent of your injuries. If the injured person was employed, this means a significant drop in the family income. The emotional pain and suffering can take a toll on the family. 

If you or a dear one has suffered injuries in such accidents, contact the nearest personal injury lawyer in Mississauga. You may be entitled to compensation. 

Accidents Are Seldom Accidental 

As our experienced Mississauga car accident lawyer and Mississauga slip and fall injury lawyer know from experience, accidents are not always chance events. They are caused by someone’s fault or negligence. In many cases, they’re caused by a violation of safety norms. 

The injured are entitled to compensation from those responsible for the accident. In the case of car accidents, Ontario laws provide statutory benefits payable by the victim’s own insurers, regardless of fault. Additionally, both car accident victims and slip and fall accident victims are entitled to file a personal injury suit against the at-fault party. 

Do You Really Need A Lawyer? 

This is a question often posed by many of our clients. People assume that insurance coverage will take care of medical bills and provide compensation for losses. The reality may be quite different. 

Our 24 hour injury lawyers can assist you to approach the situation objectively. In many cases, victims/families may make hasty decisions, provide submissions, admissions and authorizations or take up the offer of a meager settlement. 

They may be unaware of their rights. Mississauga personal injury lawyers negotiate with insurers and present a robust claim backed by evidence. We deal with the complex medical/legal/insurance issues involved, provide proper guidance/advice to ensure that you get the compensation you deserve.

If you, your family or a friend has been injured in an accident, please feel free to speak to one of our injury lawyers for a free consultation about how we are able to assist in making a personal injury claim. We consult in all cities across Ontario with a no win no fee guarantee. Our personal injury lawyers have helped victims secure millions of dollars in personal injury cases. Call us Toll Free On our 24/7 Injury Hotline: 1 – 844 495 7333 or Text a Personal Injury ‎Lawyer 24/7 and get instant help. (416 931 5015)

Mississauga Slip and fall injury Lawyers: Beware of Posting On Social Media

You Never Know Who’s Watching! 

Mississauga slip and fall injury lawyers Singh Barristers keep abreast of not only the latest rulings, amendments, regulations and laws in personal injury law and insurance, but we also stay informed about social media trends. 

Slip and fall accidents, like most other accidents are preventable and avoidable. Most of them are caused by someone’s fault,  negligence or violation of safety norms. 

Contact the nearest personal injury lawyer in Mississauga with experience, expertise and knowledge of handling slip and fall injury cases. You may be entitled to compensation. 

We Can Advise You 

There are several complex medical, legal and insurance issues involved, that most victims and families are unfamiliar with. Sadly, these are the loopholes which insurance-companies, even your own, can take advantage of. 

Insurers and their claims-adjusters may not always have your best interests at heart. Their focus would be to protect their business interests. 

Our 24 hour injury lawyers can advise you how best to safeguard your rights and interests. 

Posting On Social Media 

We live in an age where it’s considered mandatory to post every event that happens to us on social media websites. 2015 statistics showed that 65% of adults use some form of social media. We nonchalantly post remarks, opinions, flippant comments etc without considering that they may be tracked. 

Information released by Timetric, an online data analysis and advisory service, reveal that increasingly, insurance companies use fraud-investigators to probe accident claims via social media postings by victims and families. 

For every piece of evidence that you present to show that you’ve suffered physical, financial and emotional losses, the at-fault party would offer a counter-claim. 

Earlier it was not easy to provide counter-claims against pain and suffering, emotional trauma, depression, etc. 

But today, as our Mississauga slip and fall injury lawyer know, a casual picture posted inadvertently on social media, showing the victim laughing or enjoying a drink at a pub, etc can damage this claim. 

We can ensure that your rights are safeguarded by giving you the right, timely advice.

If you, your family or a friend has been injured in an accident, please feel free to speak to one of our injury lawyers for a free consultation about how we are able to assist in making a personal injury claim. We consult in all cities across Ontario with a no win no fee guarantee. Our personal injury lawyers have helped victims secure millions of dollars in personal injury cases. Call us Toll Free On our 24/7 Injury Hotline: 1 – 844 495 7333 or Text a Personal Injury ‎Lawyer 24/7 and get instant help. (416 931 5015)

Brampton Slip and Fall Injury Lawyers: Handy Checklist for Injured Victims

Slipped and Fell? The Next Few Steps Are Crucial! 

Brampton slip and fall injury lawyers Singh Barristers who handle such cases exclusively know that the period that immediately follows a slip and fall injury are extremely vital. What you do or don’t do could determine the legal, medical and insurance outcomes enormously.

Most slip and fall accidents are caused by someone else’s fault or negligence. All property owners, whether private or public, have a duty of care to ensure that all legitimate visitors to the premises remain safe.

When accidents happen, contact the nearest personal injury lawyer in Brampton, as you may be entitled to compensation.

Why Is It Important to Consult a Lawyer?

Following a slip and fall injury, our 24 hour injury lawyers can ask you these questions:

  • Was the object against which you tripped/slipped out of place/broken/damaged?
  • Could there be a reason why the object was placed there?
  • If there are reasons, could a warning sign have been placed to limit accident chances?
  • Was the accident caused by broken objects or safety features?
  • Was the accident caused by insufficient lighting, uneven flooring, loose carpeting, wet-floors, liquid spills etc?
  • Was this hazardous condition existent for a long enough time for the owner to have known about it and fixed it?

If you’ve answered Yes to any of them, we can proceed with conducting further independent investigations into the circumstances, access property-maintenance records, etc.

Immediate Steps to Be Taken

Claiming compensation in slip and fall injury cases can be challenging because it can be difficult to establish the negligence and fix liability on the right party.

  • Ensure that the accident is reported immediately to someone in authority
  • Get medical attention immediately
  • Take photos of location
  • Note time and date
  • Contact a personal injury lawyer
  • Preserve all clothing, footwear worn at the time
  • Get contact details of witnesses 

Avoid communications/negotiations with at-fault party, their insurers and legal representatives without the advice of your Brampton slip and fall injury lawyer.

Follow all medical advice meticulously, preserve all records/receipts, avoid posting on social media regarding the case.

If you, your family or a friend has been injured in an accident, please feel free to speak to one of our injury lawyers for a free consultation about how we are able to assist in making a personal injury claim. We consult in all cities across Ontario with a no win no fee guarantee. Our personal injury lawyers have helped victims secure millions of dollars in personal injury cases. Call us Toll Free On our 24/7 Injury Hotline: 1 – 844 495 7333 or Text a Personal Injury ‎Lawyer 24/7 and get instant help. (416 931 5015)