Belleville Persona Injury Lawyers: Understanding Comparative or Contributory Negligence In Slip and Fall Accidents

When people sustain a slip and fall accident, often the overwhelming emotion is shock. This is followed by a feeling that somehow this was the result of one’s own carelessness. Most of us have had our share of laughing at the slipping on a banana peel type of slapstick humour in film and television. Hence, we generally feel embarrassment, look around to see if anyone’s noticed and then hurry away from the spot, if we haven’t been seriously injured.

However as Belleville personal injury lawyers know from experience, this may not be the best thing to do under the circumstances.

Accidents are rarely “accidental.” They result from someone’s fault, negligence or breach of safety norms for various reasons. Seriously injured victims face enormous physical, financial and emotional burdens along with their family-members who have to take care of them while they recover their health. Such victims are entitled to seek compensation from those whose acts of omission or commission caused the accident. This is achieved by filing a personal injury suit against the at-fault party.

Many serious injuries tend to appear minor in the early stages and worsen if left undiagnosed and untreated. From a legal point of view, not reporting the accident or getting medical attention makes it difficult to establish the causal connection between the accident and your injuries.

Another important aspect is that the compensation process is governed by strict time limits and statute of limitations guidelines. If you find at a later stage that your injuries are more serious than previously assumed, it may be too late by then to file for compensation.

Comparative or Contributory Negligence 

The principle of fault or negligence is fundamental to personal injury law. Unless this can be established, the liability cannot be fixed on the right party.

Insurance companies who make the settlement payouts have to establish liability and prove negligence. The first question that is asked is generally “Whose fault was it?”

However, it’s not always easy to get a clear answer to this question. In some slip and fall accidents, there may be a certain portion of fault that can be attributed to one party, while there could be a smaller proportion of fault that can be attributed to the other.

Contributory negligence can be defined as some behavior that caused an unreasonable risk to oneself, assuming that the person acts in a reasonable way. When the claim is filed by the plaintiff, the defendant may file a counter-claim stating that the accident happened due to some action of the plaintiff’s. If proved, this can affect the outcome of the claim as it may be dismissed.

Comparative negligence is an approach that many courts tend to admit since this helps to speed up the settlement process. This concept deems that if the plaintiff contributed in anyway to the accident, it can be taken as a percentage, and the negligence can be divided proportionately between the two parties. Hence, the settlement amount can be reduced/increased proportionately.

Even if you feel that you may have contributed in some small way to the accident, don’t hesitate to contact an experienced Belleville personal injury lawyer without delay, since this does not deter you from seeking compensation.

Cambridge Personal Injury Lawyer: Understanding the Trial Process

If you have suffered a serious injury in a car accident, you and your family have probably gone through a devastating experience that involves physical, financial and emotional distress.

Accidents are usually caused by someone’s fault or negligence. The injured are entitled to seek compensation from the at-fault or negligent party to help them restore life to a close approximation of what it was before the accident.

In Ontario, all those injured in car accidents are entitled to receive no-fault benefits under the Statutory Accident Benefits Scheme (SABS). These benefits are payable by their own insurer and cover income loss and medical/rehabilitation expenses. However they don’t cover pain and suffering.

Victims can also sue the at-fault party in a civil action, by filing personal injury suit. This is done preferably with the assistance of an experienced Cambridge personal injury lawyer. You can claim all the above benefits, including pain and suffering.

Seeking Compensation

One of the biggest challenges in achieving the compensation you deserve lies in dealing with the response of insurance companies, even your own. We often forget that they are for-profit organizations with the primary focus being on protecting their own business interests.

They may deny or dispute your claim, deny it on technical grounds or delay settlement hoping to wait you out. Such delays can be hazardous because you could cross the statute of limitations period for filing a suit and thus lose the opportunity of launching a legal action against the at-fault party.

It’s vital to consult an experienced Cambridge personal injury lawyer with expertise and knowledge in handling such cases.

Nearly 90% of personal injury claims are settled out-of-court, through negotiations, mediation or arbitration. However, if the settlement offered is too meager or the insurance company/at-fault party fails to give an appropriate response, the case can be taken to trial. If the negotiations and discussions prove unfruitful, the only option is to settle the matter in court. That’s why it’s important to select a personal injury lawyer who has excellent negotiation skills but also has trial experience.

Steps In The Trial Process

  • Obviously, meeting the right Cambridge personal injury lawyer is the first step in beginning the trial process. In some cases, the lawyer may already have handled your case at the negotiations/arbitration stage, so he/she would be familiar with all aspects of your claim. He/she will take the time and effort to explain each progressive stage of the trial process to you in detail.
  • Legal papers have to be filed in the court. The Complaint, which provides an outline of the case against the at-fault party, identification of the parties involved, jurisdiction of the court, the complainant’s legal claim and the circumstances which led to the claim.
  • Summons, service of process, answers, claims and counter-claims follow.
  • The next stage is Examination of Discovery where both parties get information from each other to establish the facts of the case. Trial follows.
  • The  case may get resolved at any stage.
  • The final settlement is based on the jury verdict. Finally, you can face delays in collecting your settlement amount, the other party may go on appeal.

Bolton Personal Injury Lawyers: Making Sense of Ontario’s No-Fault Car Insurance

In legal terms, accidents are rarely “accidental.” They’re generally caused by someone’s fault or negligence and with a deeper level of investigation, they can be traced to a violation or breach of safety norms.

Ontario laws entitle all those injured in motor-vehicle accidents to apply for no-fault insurance, payable by their own insurers. This is deemed to be regardless of fault.

However, the entire system is complex and rife with complicated legal, medical and insurance issues. Many lawyers themselves may find it difficult to understand the provisions of the No-Fault insurance system, unless they practice personal injury law and have experience in dealing with such cases, either as plaintiffs’ or defendants’ lawyers.

Insurance companies and claims-adjusters are well-versed with the regulations, amendments, revocations etc in the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule (SABS) but these can pose a challenge for those unfamiliar with such issues.

Important Aspects of No-Fault Insurance

  • You are eligible for No-fault insurance provided there is no policy breach
  • It is payable by your own insurer, regardless of whose fault it was, even your own
  • If the injured person did not carry insurance at the time of the accident, another insurer may be duty-bound to honor the claim, failing which the Ontario Motor-vehicle Accident Claims Fund must make the settlement
  • No-Fault benefits provide coverage for income-replacement, out-of-pocket expenses, medical and rehabilitation expenses, attendant care and non-earner benefits
  • It does not cover pain and suffering – this has to be achieved through filing a tort or personal injury suit against the at-fault party
  • Tort claims for pain and suffering have to meet a “minimum threshold” and are subject to deductibles
  • In a court trial, the jury is not aware of such deductibles

Some Tips On Submitting the Paperwork

It’s important to remember that there are specified time-limits within which the paperwork must be submitted to get No-Fault insurance benefits. Hence, it’s wise to consult a Bolton personal injury lawyer immediately. If you’re seriously injured or immobilized, a trusted family-member can assist you in getting the right legal advice.

  • Don’t wait for your insurer to send you the SABS package. You can download the forms from the Financial Services Commission of Ontario website
  • There are different forms for different types of claims, for instance, the Non-earner benefit or Income replacement benefits, etc and you may need the help of an experienced Belleville personal injury lawyer to help you fill them
  • You need to attach all relevant receipts along with your claim. These include parking-lot fees, replacement of broken glasses/dentures, damaged clothing, out-of-pocket expenses etc.
  • Be completely honest while filling forms. Don’t exaggerate your injuries, or give information that cannot be validated in the sections that ask you about how the accident happened. If you’re unsure of technical/legal/medical terms, don’t use them
  • Submit the paperwork as soon as possible, but preferably only after your experienced Bolton car accident lawyer has gone through them.

No-Fault benefits may not cover all your present and future medical and financial needs. Hence, it’s also important to file a personal injury suit, within the prescribed time limit.

Ajax Personal Injury Lawyers: Which Professionals Should Be Contacted After Accidents?

When accidents happen, however minor or major they are, they throw people into a state of confusion and anxiety. If injuries have been sustained, the main focus is to ensure that the injured are given the right medical attention and treatment immediately.

However, this is also the time when it’s important to take steps to safeguard your rights and interests.

Accidents are not always “accidental.” As Ajax personal injury lawyers know from experience, most of them are caused by someone’s fault or negligence. Violation or breach of safety norms, ignoring hazardous conditions to cut costs or because it’s inconvenient to make the repairs immediately are some of the common reasons why motor-vehicle accidents and slip and fall accidents occur.

The impact of injuries sustained in accidents is felt by the injured person and often his/her family-members. Prolonged recovery time, loss of mobility and inability to resume work lead to physical, financial and emotional consequences.

Whom Should You Contact?

Obviously, getting immediate medical support is paramount. But there are certain important professionals and agencies who need to be informed and consulted to ensure that you receive the compensation you rightly deserve.

Police and Traffic Authorities: Unless you’re seriously injured, unconscious or immobilized by your injuries, call the local police or traffic authorities immediately. This should be done so that they can also ensure that the relevant medical authorities also get the information. In Ontario, there are new rules governing reporting for motor-vehicle accidents. If the damage seems to be totally below a specified amount and no one is injured, you can report the accident to the nearest Collision Reporting Center. Otherwise, the police must be informed. This is also crucial when you have to deal with insurance agencies in future, because the first call you make is used to begin generating an accident report.

Insurance Agencies: Ontario’s Statutory Accidents Benefits Scheme entitles all injured victims to seek compensation regardless of fault. This is payable by your own insurers. It’s also important to inform your insurance company immediately so that they can open the no-fault benefits file. The at-fault party’s insurers may also try to communicate with you, but it’s wiser to avoid talking to them unless your lawyer is present.

Personal Injury Lawyers: A qualified, experienced legal professional who has handled cases like yours is a vital part of your team. They provide the right information, help you with the complicated paperwork, ensure that deadlines are met for filing claims or notifications and protect your rights from the world Go. Ajax personal injury lawyers and law-firms can conduct independent investigations, collate evidence from experts and witnesses, assemble important photographic evidence, CCTV footage etc to build a robust claim. They represent you in all communications with insurers (even your own) and at-fault parties, undertake negotiations on your behalf and can also take the case to trial if talks prove unfruitful.

Injured victims and their family-members need support to get their lives back on track and monetary compensation is one of the cornerstones of recovery. These are the qualified professionals who can help you through the complex medical, legal and insurance issues involved in seeking compensation.

Woodstock Personal Injury Lawyers: Checklist of What To Do After A Slip And Fall Accident

Slip and fall accidents are a leading cause of injuries . Nearly 9 million people visit hospitals and ER rooms as a result of slip or trip and fall accidents every year. They are also one of the most common reasons for taking time off from work. Injuries sustained in such accidents can range from minor bruises, cuts and sprains to serious spinal and neck injuries, traumatic brain injuries, hip/rib/skull/extremities fractures, dental and facial damage, long-term disability or even death.

Apart from the physical aspects, such injuries cause enormous financial and emotional issues too, which affect victims and their families.

Accidents are caused by someone’s fault or negligence. Property owners in Canada have a duty to ensure the safety of their premises, failing which they can be held liable for damages suffered by injured people.

Consult an experienced Woodstock personal injury lawyer if you or a dear one has sustained injuries in a slip and fall accident. You may be entitled to compensation.

Claiming Compensation

Slip and fall accidents can be challenging in terms of the complex legal, medical and insurance issues involved. The amount of compensation that can be achieved is determined by several factors including the age and general health status of the victim, establishment of fault/negligence, impact of injuries, whether there was any carelessness on the part of the victim, etc.

There are strict time limitations within which claims and suits have to be brought against at-fault parties.

The right defendant has to be identified because property-ownership and liability can be quite complicated.

Establishing the connection between the accident, causal factors, negligence, the injuries, their impact on the victim and the expenses incurred as a result can be a daunting task. Some Woodstock personal injury lawyers handle such cases exclusively and they are best suited to assist you.

Steps To Take

In the immediate aftermath of a fall, people are confused and in pain and compensation may be the last thing on their minds. However, these are also the most crucial moments in terms of personal injury law.

  • Report the accident immediately to someone in authority and get an acknowledgment
  • Get medical attention without delay, no matter how minor you assume your injuries to be
  • Contact a personal injury lawyer who deals with such claims as soon as possible: There are different time-limits for notifying private/public/municipal properties
  • Take cellphone pictures of exact location, injuries, cause of accident, prominent landmarks with time and date stamp: Things change or can be changed/destroyed/replaced/repaired over time
  • Preserve all clothing, footwear worn at the time – property-owners often argue that it was your inappropriate clothing/footwear that contributed to the fall
  • Follow all medical advice scrupulously
  • Keep a meticulous record of all expenses incurred in connection with the accident
  • Never conduct negotiations directly with property-owners, apologize or make statements like “I should have seen that!”
  • Never provide recorded statements, submissions  or permissions to access your confidential information or sign documents without your personal injury lawyer’s knowledge/advice
  • Avoid social media presence for the duration of your claim/suit

These tips can help your Woodstock personal injury lawyer to help you achieve the compensation you rightly deserve!

Scarborough Personal Injury Lawyers: Ask The Right Questions Before Hiring Your Personal Injury Lawyer

When accidents happen and people are injured due to no fault of their own, they’re well advised to consult a personal injury lawyer. Accidents happen out of the blue but their consequences can have a devastating impact on not just the injured victim but often on his/her family too.

Mishaps like slip and fall accidents occur because of someone else’s fault or negligence. Those responsible for the maintenance of premises and property under their control have a duty to ensure that visitors remain safe. Injured victims are entitled to seek compensation for the losses they suffer.

Under Ontario laws, the Occupier’s Liability Act mandates that property owners have a duty to see that persons who legitimately enter the premises and their property are kept reasonably safe. Those who enter to commit a crime or trespassers are assumed to have willingly assumed the risks that may be present on the property that they choose to enter without permission.

Seeking compensation from property owners, whether private individuals, government/municipal bodies, large corporations etc can be challenging. If your injuries have caused you to be hospitalized, immobile, disabled etc it may not be possible for you to personally undertake the process of settlement with insurance companies, gather relevant evidence, conduct negotiations, complete the paperwork accurate and within the prescribed deadlines. An experienced Scarborough personal injury lawyer who regularly handles such cases can provide the right advice and assistance.

Hiring The Right Personal Injury Lawyer

As with all fields today, personal injury law is also a highly specialized profession. Although the general study of civil law is undertaken by all qualified lawyers, they go on to pursue the area of law that best appeals to them, such as personal injury or tort law, divorce, wills and testaments, corporate law etc. Under personal injury law too, lawyers tend to gain expertise, knowledge and experience in one particular area such as slip and fall, motor-vehicle accident, dog-bite, defamation etc.

Hence, it’s important to select the right personal injury lawyer to enhance your chances of a successful outcome, by asking the right questions before finally hiring them.

You will need information on:

  • How many cases exactly like or similar to this have you handled before?
  • What’s your track record?
  • How many settlements and how many have gone to trial?
  • Who in the firm will handle my case?
  • Will I be comfortable with this person?
  • Do I have a valid claim?
  • How long will the process take approximately?
  • What damages can I claim?
  • How much can I expect in terms of settlement?
  • If the case cannot be settled out-of-court, can you take it to trial?
  • What are the costs for out-of-court settlement and for trial?
  • What is your fee structure? What percentage of settlement comprises your fee? Do you have a contingency fee arrangement? How do you charge expenses?

You will have to check their credentials, background and reputation thoroughly. Get all details down in writing, including fee structure and payment schedules. Scarborough personal injury lawyers can also assist you with getting medical and rehabilitation assistance and putting together a robust claim for compensation.

Pickering Personal Injury Lawyers: Settlement Or Trial In Slip and Fall Injury Claims?

When you or a loved one has suffered serious injuries in a slip and fall accident, the physical, financial and emotional consequences that follow can have a devastating impact on yourself and your family.

Accidents are usually caused by someone’s fault or negligence. The Ontario Occupier’s Liability Act mandates that an owner/occupier of property “owes a duty to take such care as in all the circumstances of the case is reasonable to see that persons entering on the premises and the property brought by those persons on the premises are reasonably safe while on the premises.”

An experienced Pickering personal injury lawyer can advise, assist and advocate for you in such cases, since you may be entitled to receive compensation.

Loss of income because of inability to continue working, medical and rehabilitation expenses, pain and suffering, expenses incurred by family-members due to your injuries and also the loss of  guidance, care and companionship that was previously being  provided by the injured person are some of the areas where you are entitled to seek compensation.

Claiming Compensation

It’s important to get yourself thoroughly examined by a qualified doctor immediately after you suffer a slip and fall accident. Besides health, this is important to establish the causal connection between your injuries and the accident.

Your experienced Pickering personal injury lawyer can help you put together a robust claim for compensation.

Settlement Vs Trial

Insurance-companies who make the settlement payouts may not always act in good faith. Being for-profit organizations at the end of the day, their focus would be on protecting their own business interests. Hence, they may delay, deny, dismiss or dispute your claim, or attempt to show that you were somehow partly responsible for the accident, thus reducing their own client’s liability.

Proving the chain of ownership and responsibility of the property, establishing the fault/negligence that caused the accident, fixing liability and demonstrating the impact of the injuries on your and your family’s life can be challenging.

Filing a personal injury suit against the at-fault party is one way of getting the compensation you deserve. However, more than 90% of personal injury claims in Canada are settled out-of-court, though the trial option remains open until the statute of limitations runs out.

  • Trials can be expensive when you calculate lawyer’s fees, including travel and billable hours.
  • Generally, a trial can take years to reach a verdict, following which there may be appeals etc.
  • Cross-examinations, supplying proof, the adversarial process and procedures can be overwhelming.
  • Compensation claims are made to restore your life to normalcy and reimburse you for the financial losses you’ve suffered. Trials can delay this.
  • Your privacy can be severely compromised in a trial since everything becomes a matter of public record. Out-of-court settlements come with confidentiality agreements.
  • The outcome in trials is unpredictable. You may not be awarded compensation at all if a jury/judge thinks your claim is invalid.
  • However, if you sincerely believe that you need your day in court, or the insurance-company’s settlement is too meager and that the defendant should be penalized publicly, you may prefer a trial.

Your knowledgeable and experienced Pickering personal injury lawyer can assist you with analyzing and understanding each of these aspects.

Peterborough Personal Injury Lawyers: Safeguard Your Rights In Slip And Fall Accident Situations

If you or a dear one has suffered injuries in a slip and fall accident sustained due to dangerous conditions on someone else’s property, you’re probably aware that you may be entitled to compensation.

Peterborough personal injury lawyers who handle such cases regularly understand the concerns that victims and their families have when they get involved in such an unfortunate situation.

These accidents are among the most common of civil cases across Canada and a majority of them are settled out of court and not in lengthy procedures inside a courtroom. There is no reason why an injured person and/or their family has to bear the physical, financial and emotional burdens that arise as a result of such mishaps when it has been caused by another person’s fault or negligence.

Assessing Your Claim

“Do I have a valid case?” is a question that an experienced personal injury lawyer who regularly handles slip and fall injury claims can best answer.

In general, there are several factors that determine the validity of such cases:

  • Establishing that the accident occurred in that location
  • Proving the hazardous condition
  • Establishing ownership of the property and occupier’s liability
  • Establishing that the owner knew or should have known about the hazard
  • Establishing negligence or fault in not removing the danger
  • Establishing nature and extent of injuries
  • Proving that these injuries impact the victim’s life
  • Establishing the expenses incurred as a result of the injuries 

Protect Your Interests

Though your case may seem straightforward, insurance-companies who have to make settlement-payouts may not always act in good faith. They may delay, dispute, deny or dismiss your claim.

As the plaintiff, you and your family need to take certain steps to protect your rights and interests:

  • Report the accident immediately to someone in authority and get it documented
  • Take photographs on your mobile-phone with date and time stamp: Location, cause of accident, your injuries, land-marks.  This is because the owners can destroy evidence or it can vanish with time in the settlement duration
  • It’s important to get contact details of witnesses if any. Your family-members can collect this information if you’re unable to do it. However, don’t contact them again afterwards, let your personal injury lawyer continue the process
  • Visit a qualified doctor and contact a personal injury lawyer immediately
  • Follow all medical advice, preserve all bills, records, test-results, prescriptions
  • Start keeping an accident journal to note all events connected with the accident
  • Ensure you preserve all physical evidence such as footwear/clothing. Don’t remove stains like mud, blood etc and don’t mend tears. If your glasses broke when you fell, preserve them and get another new pair
  • Never sign anything, record any statements, provide access to confidential information, communicate with at-fault parties without your lawyer’s advice/knowledge
  • Avoid making inadvertent statements : Neither you nor the family should say things like “It’s because of my carelessness!” etc
  • Stay off social media till your claim is completed satisfactorily

Peterborough personal injury lawyers can advise, assist and guide you through the claims process, while ensuring that your rights are protected.

Sudbury Personal Injury Lawyers: Prescription Drugs Can Cause Impaired Driving

Sudbury personal injury lawyers often handle cases where innocent people have been badly hurt in motor-vehicle accidents caused by impaired driving.

These accidents happen when the at-fault person has consumed alcohol, drugs or medication that interferes with his/her ability to control the vehicle, resulting in fatal collisions.

When we discuss impaired driving, what immediately comes to mind is someone who’s returning home from a party or a night out after having had one too many drinks, or a person whose judgment is completely impeded by mind and body affecting substances.

However, something that we often fail to consider are the equally hazardous effects of consuming over-the-counter or prescription medications that have been prescribed by a qualified medical specialist.

These medications comprise cough and cold remedies, flu treatments, anti-histamines, allergy drugs, pain-killers, muscle relaxants, eye-drops, nebulizers etc. and they are necessary to deal with a diagnosed health condition.

However, since they can cause side-effects that affect your body and mind, serious accidents can result if people drive or use machinery in factories etc after consuming them.

Motor-vehicle offenses committed under the influence of alcohol, recreational drugs and prescription medication are all considered to be equal. There is no leniency for drivers under the influence of any of these.

If you or a dear one has been injured in an accident caused by a driver whose abilities were impaired by prescription medications, consult a Sudbury personal injury lawyer who regularly handles such cases. You may be entitled to compensation.

Effects of Prescription Medications

Most of us would never drive under the influence of alcohol or recreational drugs but we tend to be casual about taking prescription medicines. These drugs are not illegal or illicit, they have not been taken to enhance your mood or satisfy a craving. However, many prescribed and over-the-counter drugs can make a person unfit to drive. If someone causes an accident while under the influence of such a drug, it’s still considered to be an impaired driving offense.

Such medications include opiates like morphine and codeine, anti-histamines which cause drowsiness, cough remedies containing anti-histamines which should be taken only at bed-time, anti-anxiety drugs which calm the nervous system, causing muscle relaxation, impaired judgment, blurred vision, etc.

Common side-effects of prescription drugs include:

  • Drowsiness
  • Dizziness or loss of balance and orientation
  • Eye-hand co-ordination problems
  • Blurred vision
  • Lack of concentration
  • Impaired judgment
  • Memory problems
  • Physical unease like stomach upset, bloating or gas
  • Severe dehydration
  • Mood changes

The drugs commonly prescribed by physicians are meant to deal with a particular condition. They may be tranquilizers, anti-histamines, anti-depressants, sleeping pills, decongestants, pain-killers, etc and most doctors advise patients to avoid driving or doing hazardous outdoor work while they’re taking them.

Common side-effects can also vary from person to person, and hence, some people may react more severely than others. Follow your doctor’s advice and avoid driving as much as possible.

The government has recently made important changes to the laws regarding impaired driving.

If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident caused by a driver who has consumed prescription drugs, consult an experienced Sudbury personal injury lawyer immediately to ensure that your rights and interests are safeguarded.

Milton Personal Injury Lawyers: Risks in Slip and Fall Injuries From Elevators and Escalators

People today are so familiar with elevators and escalators that they’ve become a part of our daily lives. Whether it’s in a train station, mall, restaurant, airport, apartment building, bank or hospital, we seldom give them a second thought as we board one of them. They certainly make life a lot easier for us and ensure that we reach swiftly and conveniently to our destinations, whether they’re in upper or lower elevations.

However, these conveniences can hold potential risks too. A slip and fall in an escalator or elevator can result in serious injuries, especially if the victim is a senior citizen or a pregnant woman.

Apart from the physical injuries, people also suffer huge financial losses and emotional trauma as a result of the accident.

If you or a dear one has been injured in an accident, consult a Milton personal injury lawyer without delay. You could be entitled to compensation.

Elevator/Escalator Slip and Fall Injury Risks 

These facilities have the task of transporting large numbers of people continuously. The weights they carry can vary enormously throughout the duration.

A recent study conducted by the Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) shows that across Canada, elevators seem to be getting more dangerous. Over the last six years, nearly 1200 people have suffered injuries with 69 of them being permanent injuries, while six people have died. TSSA studies also show that the number of such incidents has increased over 2011 – 2016 and the trend shows a rise of nearly 14% annually.

With nearly 40,000 elevators in Ontario, safety has become a major public health risk concern especially among senior citizens. In an indirect way, it affects their normal routine, health and socialization. Liberal MPP Han Dong observes, “… seniors won’t leave their apartment when there’s an elevator out of service in their building, because they’re afraid they won’t be able to get back to their apartment. In some cases they will have to forgo their doctors’ appointments…”

Escalators pose their own risks. Escalator steps are slightly taller than normal stairs. This does create a tripping hazard if you choose to walk up the escalator instead of waiting for it to take you to the top. Many people also fail to hold the handrail as the escalator travels. According to the National Elevator Industry Inc, it’s always safer when riders stand in place holding the handrails. Walking and standing on certain designated sides can also cause uneven wear and tear over time, leading to malfunction and defects.

Common Problems With Elevators and Escalators

  • Elevator drops and falls
  • Incorrect door alignment
  • Defects/malfunctioning of parts, loose parts
  • Uneven car landing between floors
  • Sudden stoppage
  • Side entrapment of clothes or footwear

Common injuries include cuts/bruises/sprains to amputation, traumatic brain injury, disability, disfigurement and death. Broken nose, bumps, head-injuries, facial/dental damage, thumb fractures are common, while loose panels or parts can fall off, causing people to lose their balance. Electrical fires in elevators/escalators can occur.

All these accidents can be traced to fault or negligence, shoddy maintenance etc. An experienced Milton personal injury lawyer can provide assistance and advice to help you get satisfactory compensation.

Orillia Personal Injury Lawyers: The Role of Eye-Witnesses In Motor-Vehicle Accidents

Motor-Vehicle Accidents (MVA) happen like a bolt from the blue but their effects can last a long time, perhaps even for an entire life-time. Severe injuries result in people having to take time off from work to recoup their health and in many cases, the person may never be able to work again.

For most injured victims, a car collision also means heavy and unforeseen medical expenses that include extended hospitalization,  expensive, complicated and long-term treatments and medication, loss of mobility and chronic pain.

One of the aspects that’s seldom taken into consideration is the emotional aspects of trauma. Post-traumatic stress is a common consequence of a devastating car crash. Fear, anxiety, phobia, sleep disturbances, mood changes, substance abuse and breakdown of relationships are all typical results of having survived a shocking event.

Are Accidents Preventable?

As our experienced Orillia personal injury lawyers know from experience, most accidents are avoidable and preventable. MVAs are almost always caused by someone’s fault or negligence. Vehicle drivers have a responsibility to share the road safely with other road-users and ensure that their co-passengers are also kept safe.

Accidents are usually caused by:

  • Impaired driving
  • Speeding
  • Disobeying Traffic Signals, Road Signs and Warnings
  • Distracted driver
  • Poor weather conditions
  • Non-maintenance or poor design of roads
  • Defective or malfunctioning auto parts

Whatever the reason for the collision, injured victims in Ontario are entitled to receive statutory benefits, regardless of fault, payable by their own insurer. Additionally they’re also entitled to file a personal injury suit against the at-fault party.

Witnessing A Collision

Some of us may have been in a situation where we’ve seen a collision happening at close quarters and we’ve experienced the dilemma of wondering what to do.

It’s the regulation in many countries that anyone who witnesses an automobile accident should stop and ensure that no one’s hurt and should call for help.

As a witness, you must:

  • Stay calm, cool and collected
  • If you can’t stand the sight of blood, avoid looking
  • Base your actions on the type of response needed
  • Ensure your own safety – keep your own vehicle at a safe distance, since there could be a fire or explosion, flying/broken glass, etc
  • If possible turn off the ignition in running vehicles to eliminate fire risk
  • Call the traffic/police emergency number immediately. Don’t assume that someone else may have already done so
  • Approach the crash site very carefully and help only if you’re capable
  • Never move injured persons but reassure them that help is on the way
  • Don’t form judgments about whose fault it was
  • Give a clear statement of facts and provide your contact details to the police and traffic authorities
  • Make a note of the time, date and location of the accident and brief notes about whatever you saw, for future reference

Oirillia personal injury lawyers who have been retained by the injured persons have to put together a strong claim proving the negligence of the at-fault party and the impact of the injuries on the victim. Eye-witness testimony can be of crucial importance in such cases.

Slip and Fall Accidents: Cellphones – Boon or Bane?

Using Tech? Watch Your Step! 

It’s a common sight these days to see people on their mobile phones while walking, driving, exercising, in restaurants and entertainment spots or commuting. The cellphone has become an inextricable part of our lives.

But it’s also a huge source of distraction, as a study conducted in Florida State University reveals. “Our results suggest that mobile phones can disrupt attention performance even if one does not interact with the device,” opine the authors of the study. This means that the mere presence of the phone can create a space in the mind for it and become a source of distraction.

Talking or texting while walking can be hazardous, leading to accidents of all types, including slip and fall accidents. This coupled with a badly-maintained area can spell disaster.

Accidents aren’t always accidental. They’re the result of someone’s fault or negligence and the injured have a right to seek compensation if their accident was caused by another person’s negligence or breaching of safety norms.

An experienced Etobicoke personal injury lawyer can evaluate your case and provide the right kind of advice and assistance on seeking compensation.

Cellphones: A Source of Distraction

Non-stop connectivity has become quite the norm and technology has kept pace with this. Smart-phones, wearable devices, mobile connectivity etc are some of the aspects that contribute to this new phenomenon.

We tend to underestimate the distraction factor in the use of phones while walking. In fact, many studies have shown that this can be a comprehensive form of distraction that involves manual, visual and cognitive inattention to the main task which is walking. Younger males, especially in higher income groups tend to discount the distraction value of cellphones much more.

Being distracted can be hazardous while walking outdoors and inside the house/work-place too. We may not be vigilant enough to notice slippery floors, wet surfaces, broken or damaged flooring, etc and could stumble over clutter or construction debris, loose wires and cables.

Plus Points Of Cellphones

On the other hand, if you weren’t distracted by the use of your phone, but unfortunately had a slip and fall accident, the cellphone can be quite an invaluable aid.

Proving fault and establishing liability in slip and fall accidents can be quite challenging when the compensation aspect comes in. These cases can be mired in complex medical, legal and insurance issues and evidence is the cornerstone of a successful outcome.

Cellphones are the perfect tool to take photographs of the location and conditions that caused your accident. This is crucial, because by the time your case comes to trial or negotiation, the conditions could have been changed deliberately by the at-fault party.

You can also click pictures of your injuries, take down details like names, addresses and phone numbers of witnesses. Since these pictures have a date and time stamp, it makes them important pieces of evidence. You can record the report that you made to someone in authority about the accident.

More than anything, your cellphone comes in handy while calling for help if you’re injured and it also helps you to get in touch with an experienced Etobicoke personal injury lawyer who can ensure that your rights are safeguarded from the word go.

Guelph Personal Injury Lawyers: Protecting Your Rights In Slip And Fall Accident Cases

People tend to automatically blame themselves when they slip or trip and fall. The overwhelming emotion is embarrassment as they recall the number of times they themselves may have enjoyed the classic slipping-on-a-banana-peel comic situation in a movie! However, slip and fall accidents are far from a joke.

They can cause a variety of injuries ranging from simple bruises, cuts or sprains to serious, life-altering, life-threatening injuries. These injuries can have a significant physical, financial and emotional impact on the life of not just the injured person, but also on the family as well.

If the injured person is the sole income-earner or was contributing to the family income, long-term hospitalization can affect the person’s income and wages or even their wage-earning capacity. High medical and rehabilitation expenses, coupled with the depression, anxiety, pain and suffering undergone, can create a truly disastrous situation.

In Ontario, it is the duty of property owners under the Occupiers’ Liability Act to ensure that all those who visit their premises are assured of being reasonably safe. When accidents occur, they may have been caused by the owner’s fault or negligence. Hence, if you or a dear one has sustained injuries in a slip and fall accident, you are entitled to seek compensation from those responsible for the maintenance of the property.

A Guelph personal injury lawyer with experience and expertise in handling such cases is best suited to provide the right type of information and assistance.

Common Reasons For Slipping or Tripping

These accidents are extremely common. Any obstruction in your path or a mis-step can cause you to lose your balance. The injuries sustained depend on age, general health condition, pre-existing illness or medical issues, location, your weight, etc.

Among the most common reasons for slip and fall accidents are:

  • Wet, slippery floors
  • Freshly-polished or cleaned floors
  • Loose carpeting, unanchored rugs, mats
  • Grease or liquid spills
  • Unmarked elevation changes
  • Poor lighting
  • Water pooled under air-conditioners
  • Uncleared snow or ice
  • Pot-holes
  • Clutter or debris
  • Loose wires, cables

Protect Your Interests 

As Guelph personal injury lawyers advise, it’s important to seek immediate medical attention following a slip and fall, no matter how minor you consider your injuries to be. Some conditions turn out to be more serious after a time lapse, and they don’t have any initial symptoms. The fall can also worsen existing illnesses or conditions.

Reporting the accident without delay is also crucial.

These factors ensure that your injury has been documented and that it is serious enough to warrant treatment. Seeking compensation in such accidents is governed by stringent time-frames and missing a deadline can result in relinquishing your right to sue.

Often, the home or property owner may request you to sign certain documents after the accident. They may also offer an immediate one-time settlement in return for your signature. However, you may soon discover that this was inadequate to cover your costs.

Never communicate with at-fault parties or their representatives without your lawyer’s knowledge, sign permissions, give access to private information.

Avoid posting on social media, as insurers keep a sharp look-out for tell-tale signs of any contradiction in your claims.

Cruise Ship Slip and Fall Accidents: Cambridge Personal Injury Lawyers Can Advise You

Holiday Horror: Slip and Fall Accidents!

The worst thing that can happen on vacation is a slip or trip and fall accident. When it happens on board a cruise ship, that’s even more complicated as there are several medical, legal and insurance issues involved.

Apart from the sheer frustration and depression of becoming immobilized while on a long-planned break, injured victims also experience enormous physical, financial and emotional consequences.

These accidents are more common than we think on board cruise-ships and other sea-faring vessels. Slippery decks, narrow stairs, rolling movements of the ship, pool-side accidents, inadequate lighting, lack of warning signs or missing hand-rails etc can be the causes of serious accidents.

Additionally, cruise-ships are often the favored holiday modes for senior citizens. Falls can result in permanent immobility which often proves fatal for this age group.

The owners of the cruise-ship have a responsibility to ensure that passengers and guests are kept safe. Most accidents are caused by someone’s fault or negligence.

The injured are entitled to seek compensation to cover:

  • Loss of income/earning-capacity
  • Medical and rehabilitation expenses
  • Pain and suffering

Additionally, they can also seek compensation for the expenses involved in employing a care-giver or attendant, modifications to home/work-place, loss of quality of life, etc if they are eligible to do so.

Monetary compensation can be sought from the at-fault party. An experienced

Cruise Ship Slip and Fall Accidents: Cambridge Personal Injury Lawyers Can Advise You

can assist you with the process of approaching the insurance company of the at-fault party and/or filing a personal injury suit against them.

Causes of Cruise-ship Slip And Fall Accidents 

The main reason why so many falls occur on cruise-ships is because the ship itself is not on solid ground and is subject to the rise and fall of waves, rolling motions of the ship, weather conditions etc. Maintaining balance even on calm waters can be challenging even for experienced sea travelers. Sudden changes in the ship’s stability and tilt can cause unwary passengers and crew to lose their balance and fall.

Common causes include:

  • Rolling or tilting of ship
  • Bad weather conditions
  • Loose or improperly secured cargo and furniture
  • Poor lighting
  • Lack of reflective tape or markings
  • Crowded stairwells and steps
  • Slippery decks and poolsides
  • Falling overboard after slipping on unstable surface or due to missing/broken hand-rails
  • Freshly-polished/mopped floors
  • Damaged/unanchored carpeting
  • Cleaning products/equipment left unattended
  • Food trays or luggage left in corridors
  • Food and drink spillage in restaurant or bar areas
  • Defective gym equipment

Apart from these accidents on board the cruise-ship, the management is also responsible for accidents that occur on tender vessels that ferry passengers to and fro, or while passengers go on shore for excursions conducted by the cruise line, as well as injuries sustained in such accidents inside their cabins and in gangways. 

Seeking Compensation

Information regarding liability is available at the rear portion of the ticket issued by the cruise-ship management/owner. Negligence  has to be proved in such cases and this means that compelling evidence of it must be provided along with your claim. Cambridge personal injury lawyers with specific experience and expertise in handling such cases can give the right information and assistance.

Hamilton Personal Injury Lawyers: Time Limits for Claiming Benefits or Filing Lawsuits

When a motor-vehicle accident (MVA) occurs, there is utter chaos and confusion all round. Whether it’s a fender-bender or one that causes catastrophic damage and injuries, the people involved experience a mixture of emotions – fear, anxiety, “fight or flight” impulses, pain, grief, shock, confusion etc.

Obviously, the priority in such a situation would be to get emergency medical care to the injured. The police and traffic authorities have to be informed and finally, the insurance companies need to come into the picture, since they have to pick up the costs.

Accidents, as experienced Hamilton personal injury lawyers who regularly deal with such situations know, are rarely “accidental.” They are the result of someone’s fault or negligence, and sometimes ignorance or deliberate flouting of safety norms. The injured are entitled to seek compensation for the various losses and injuries they have suffered and insurance companies usually are liable to make these compensation payments.

Seeking Compensation

Insurers, being for-profit enterprises, may not always act in good faith, they may dispute, deny or dismiss your claim on various technical grounds or attempt to minimize the nature and extent of your injuries and their client’s liability.

Ontario regulations mandate that any person injured in automobile accidents is entitled to claim statutory benefits from their own insurers. Additionally, victims can also file a personal injury suit against the at-fault party to claim damages.

Complex Issues and Procedures

When there is a dispute or the insurance company’s settlement is unsatisfactory, settlement becomes difficult. In such cases, a personal injury suit has to be filed. However, a vast majority of personal injury claims are settled out of court, without having to go through a trial process. Often, a notification of the intention to sue is given to expedite the negotiation process and show that you are indeed serious about achieving the desired compensation.

Negotiations and/or arbitration are first undertaken, which involve both sides presenting their side of the argument. Personal injury claims hinge on the concept of “negligence” hence,

  • proof of fault/negligence
  • establishment of liability
  • proof of injury
  • impact of such injury on the victim’s life

have to be clearly demonstrated for a claim to be successful.

Time Limitations

One of the major challenges in ensuring that a claim goes through smoothly is keeping within the prescribed time limits for filing. Ontario has strict rules governing the process and if notice of intention to sue is not provided to the at-fault party within the limits, you stand to lose your right to sue.

Ontario regulations include:

  • Information about the accident must be provided to your insurance company within 7 days
  • Accident benefits application must be completed within 30 days
  • If benefits are denied, appeals/mediation/arbitration/suit has to be filed within two years
  • Notice to sue the at-fault driver must be given within 120 days
  • There is a two-year limit within which you have time to launch a suit

These and some other conditions have to be strictly followed. There are other complex medical, legal and insurance issues involved and an experienced Hamilton personal injury lawyer can provide the right assistance.

Co-Driver Liability In Truck Accidents: Durham Personal Injury Lawyers Can Advise You

Accidents Involving Trucks Can Be Devastating!

In collisions that involve large commercial vehicles, the resultant damage and injuries can be proportionately huge too. When the vehicles involved are of different weights and sizes, obviously, the smaller and lighter one would take the maximum impact. The injuries sustained in the occupants of the smaller vehicle would also be much more serious.

Be Alert, Stay Safe!

It’s important to stay at a safe distance from larger vehicles and follow safety rules meticulously while passing them. However, it’s even more important for truck drivers to remain alert, avoid distractions, drug/alcohol use and stay fresh and in the best of health while transporting heavy loads across vast distances.

Keep the load on the road!

It’s mandatory to secure the load properly and ensure that it does not work loose en route. While carrying hazardous or inflammable substances, there should be clear signs on the vehicle indicating this. Garbage and dump trucks operating within cities have to ensure that material and debris doesn’t fly out of the vehicle.

If you or a dear one has been injured in an accident involving a truck, contact a Durham personal injury lawyer without delay as there are several complex medical, legal and insurance matters involved. You may be entitled to compensation.

Co-Driver Liability

Tractor-trailers and large trucks are often driven by a pair of drivers who share the duty when the journey is very long. This allows one to take rest while the other drives. When such a driving team is involved in an accident, the issue of liability becomes even more complicated. In fact, the co-driver is often one who is seriously injured in the accident, since he was completely oblivious and sleeping in a narrow berth in the driver’s cabin. Such co-drivers are not usually liable in the case of accidents.

In fact, they are also eligible to seek compensation if they’re injured in the accident, from the driver and the trucking company.

Co-drivers can only be held liable if they contributed in some way to the negligence that caused the accident. If they have distracted the driver or consciously allowed them to take the wheel when they knew that the driver was fatigued, under the influence of alcohol, drugs or prescription medication.

We Can Help!

Accidents involving trucks can leave a trail of destruction in their wake. There are enormous physical, financial and emotional consequences that arise from being seriously injured. In many cases, the injured victim is permanently disabled and may require life-long medical attention and dedicated care. Hospitalization, expensive procedures, medication and the need for rehabilitation can take a toll on not just the victim but often the entire family.

Experienced Durham personal injury lawyers can evaluate your case and provide the right advice on filing a compensation claim. We help you put together a robust case, backed by evidence provided by experts in the fields of medicine, law, transportation, insurance etc. We can access police/traffic records and CCTV or video footage, along with eyewitness testimony if available to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

Chatham-Kent Personal Injury Lawyers: Hit And Run Accidents Can Be Devastating!

Whether it’s a mere fender-bender or a serious collision that causes damage to vehicles and injures people, hit and run accidents are considered to be a serious violation of civil and criminal laws.

Strict penalties are imposed for failing to remain at the scene of an accident under Ontario’s Highway Traffic Act Section 200. Under these rules, everyone who’s involved in a motor-vehicle accident on the highway, directly or indirectly, has to remain at the scene of an accident. Or they must return immediately to the scene, render all possible assistance and provide all the required information to the traffic authorities or police.

Insurance companies generally deal with such incidents from the viewpoint of receiving compensation for damages from the victim’s own coverage, since there is no other driver who can be held liable.

What Are Hit And Run Accidents?

Legally speaking, hit and run accidents are those in which one of the drivers involved in an accident leaves the scene without providing any personal contact information or having been allowed by the traffic authorities to do so.

There are certain conventions that are followed all over the world when an accident occurs and these include stopping to ensure that no one has been injured, offering help or calling for help, exchange of information regarding identity, addresses, phone-numbers etc. These conventions are codified into law in many countries and are part of the highway and traffic rules.

Hit and run accidents can also occur in parking lots or whenever a parked car/vehicle is hit by someone else who doesn’t stop or provide information about themselves. In Ontario, if the damage doesn’t exceed $2000 and no one is injured, there is no need to call the police, but the accident has to be reported in a Collision Reporting Center and to your insurance company.

It’s important to immediately contact an experienced Chatham-Kent personal injury lawyer who has dealt with such cases previously to ensure that your rights are protected.

Who Is Liable ?

In Ontario, all those who have been injured in motor-vehicle accidents are entitled to seek statutory benefits under the SABS (Statutory Accident Benefits Scheme), regardless of fault. These are payable by your own insurance company or the policy of other drivers involved in the accident, subject to policy limits. Additionally, you can also file a personal injury claim against the at-fault driver whose negligence/fault caused the accident. Again, this is subject to policy limits.

However, in the case of hit and run accidents, no at-fault driver or insurer can be identified. In some cases, investigations may identify  the hit and run driver, but they may be under-insured or even un-insured. In such cases, Section 265 of the Ontario Highway Act can be invoked to provide statutory compensation for injuries by an unidentified/uninsured motorist. The coverage limit is only $200 000 and may not be sufficient to cover serious/catastrophic injuries.

Another option is to avail of compensation from the Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Fund which is usually seen as a last resort.

An experienced Chatham Kent personal injury lawyer can provide the right information and advice to get you the compensation you deserve.

Implications of the Fatal US Tesla Crash: Bolton Personal Injury Lawyers Understand the Significance for Ontario Drivers

As the Ontario government moves towards testing driverless cars on its highways, there are several issues that need to be addressed regarding the use of such vehicles.

The collision that occurred in Florida in May 2016 resulted in the death of the driver of the Tesla Model S. The accident happened when the driver, Joshua Brown’s autonomous vehicle which was traveling well above the mandated speed limit, collided with a tractor-trailer.

The US National Transportation Safety Board is yet to provide its final report, but certain details have been shared with the public. The initial investigations reveal that the vehicle’s Traffic Aware Cruise Control and Autoseeker Lane Keeping systems were functional and activated but the vehicle’s Autopilot system failed to notice the truck crossing the highway in front of it. The light reflecting off the trailer’s side may also have confused the system.

Other sources report that Brown may have been watching a movie playing in the car. The truck driver reports that he heard a Harry Potter movie playing in the wreckage, but this has not been confirmed by investigators.

Another incident, this time non-fatal is being investigated in Pennsylvania. This accident occurred when the autonomous SUV rolled over at the Pennsylvania Turnpike after it hit road barriers.

What Are The Implications for Ontario Drivers?

An Ontario Ministry of Transportation spokesperson opined that his ministry takes the safety of all road users very seriously and will closely follow the results of the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s investigations and the role that automated technology may have played in the crash.

Experts who have been involved in testing automated vehicular technologies in Canada have revealed that the crash exposes some very clear gaps in vehicle regulation as vehicles evolve from semi to fully autonomous systems.

Auto manufacturers should also provide supplemental training for new gadgets and technologies used in their vehicles so that drivers get familiar with them before hitting the roads. Instead, many auto companies make exaggerated claims about their vehicles’ capabilities, giving drivers a false sense of what to expect from hi-tech vehicles.

A legal case for the family of the deceased Florida driver is being contemplated, as legal experts feel that the driver may have been led to believe that the system was more capable than it actually was. Whether the driver was sufficiently aware of the defects in the autopilot system is a moot point. Experienced Bolton personal injury lawyers who handle motor-vehicle accident claims would find these cases of special interest.

The Issue Of Accountability

Autonomous vehicles immediately bring into focus the issue of accountability. Section 1 (2) of the Ontario Regulations 306/15 (2) came into force in January 2016 and it provides clear definitions of different levels of automation, ranging from no automation to driver assisted, partial, conditional, high and full automation.

There are several challenges to proving liability in the case of autonomous vehicles as there are questions about whether the driver can be held negligent in the use or operation of a vehicle that is fully automated. Hence, the alternative is to hold the manufacturer liable, at present. However, this area of the law is constantly evolving and Bolton personal injury lawyers ensure that they keep abreast with all the latest developments in the best interests of their clients.

Serious Risks for Pregnant Women In Motor-vehicle Collisions: Ajax Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help

Pregnant women face very high risks to their own lives and that of their unborn babies if they’re involved in a motor-vehicle collision (MVA). This fact was confirmed in a study conducted in 2014 that examined ER data for more than 500,000 women across a five year period in Ontario. Women, especially those in their second trimester of pregnancy, are at a much higher risk according to an article published in the May 2014 issue of the Canadian Medical Association Journal. Nearly 3% of pregnant women were involved in serious collisions, with winter being the peak season for such mishaps.

The study also draws certain links between the occurrence of serious, life-threatening collisions and the woman’s being in the middle months of her pregnancy. According to Dr Donald Redelmeier the lead investigator in the study, pregnant women may be less vigilant due to fatigue, insomnia and back-pain which commonly occur in this period. The woman is also more stressed in anticipation of the baby’s arrival and the attendant changes to routine and relationships within the family.

Is Driving Unsafe During Pregnancy?

Dr Redelemeir found it interesting that most of the concerns that women had were about things like hot tubs or roller-coaster ridesbut never about driving. Working women and home-makers take driving as a matter of course and they don’t see anything inherently risky in it. However, statistics show that the risks are higher in the middle part of pregnancy and women should be aware of this fact.

Obviously, the study doesn’t recommend avoiding driving altogether during pregnancy. In fact, it’s much more physically and emotionally healthy to continue doing routine things and keeping to one’s normal schedule as much as possible.


Maternal trauma following an MVA can range from mild and superficial injuries to the need for immediate cardio-pulmonary resuscitation. Medical ethics demands that maternal assessment and therapy take priority over fetal care. Hence, doctors in ER tend to focus on keeping the mother’s risk at a minimum as compared to the unborn fetus’s. In general, about 4-6 hours of hospitalization is recommended for observation unless there are severe injuries caused by high-velocity impacts or pedestrian collisions.

Common complications of MVA in pregnancy include:

  • Placental abruption (separation of the placenta from uterus before birth of baby)
  • Hemorrhage
  • Pre-term birth
  • Rupture of uterus
  • Trauma to fetus due to impact
  • Injuries to fetal brain caused by restraints like seat-belts, airbags etc
  • Limb, rib or skull fracture for both mother and baby

Regular follow-ups and check-ups after any MVA, however minor,  are important.

An experienced Ajax personal injury lawyer who has dealt with similar cases can provide the right assistance and advice.

Safety Tips

Pregnant women should simply follow standard safe driving behavior and this includes:

  • Seat-belt usage
  • Following traffic rules and signals
  • Avoiding distractions like cell-phones
  • Staying within speed limits

Accidents are not always “accidental” – they’re caused by someone’s fault or negligence. If your collision was caused by a distracted/alcohol/drug-impaired/speeding driver, contact an experienced Ajax injury lawyer. You may be entitled to compensation.