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  • Car Accident Injuries: What You Need To Know From a Legal Standpoint

    November 10, 2016

    Anyone who’s ever been in a car accident would know how traumatic it can be, whether the injuries and damage sustained are minor or major. Whatever their severity, car accidents put considerable physical, financial and emotional burdens on the injured victims and their families.

    Accidents are usually caused by someone else’s fault or negligence and the injured are entitled to seek compensation from those responsible for the accident. A free consultation injury lawyer can evaluate your case and provide a swift, genuine and comprehensive assessment that would help you to proceed further.

    It’s important that anyone who is involved in an accident gets a thorough clinical evaluation immediately, however minor the injuries appear to be.

    Serious injuries are those that result in profuse internal/external bleeding, head/neck/spine trauma, compound fractures etc. and require airway management and initial resuscitation followed by immediate transfer to an ER. The ER physicians recommend further investigations and also consult with specialists to determine the line of treatment to be adopted. Our top-rated accident lawyers can assist victims and their families to get the best possible medical treatment immediately.

    Common Life-Threatening Injuries

    Generally, the serious and catastrophic injuries seen in victims of car accidents include:

    Head/Brain Injury: Blunt-force trauma, concussion, internal bleeding, skull fractures, cuts, lacerations etc.

    Back/Neck Injury: Spinal-cord damage or severance, whiplash, herniated discs, spinal fractures. Paralysis and disability either short/long-term or permanent can result.

    Burns: From contact or explosions can result in severe injuries, disfigurement, scarring, infections etc, requiring long-term treatment, rehabilitation and plastic-surgery.

    Blunt/Penetrating injuries: Blunt-force trauma causes internal bleeding, organ and soft-tissue damage. Penetrating injuries happen either when an external object pierces the body/head or when broken bones pierce the organs internally. Both these injuries can be extremely dangerous especially when they affect the brain, as continuous bleeding and clotting can put pressure on the brain. Penetrating chest-injuries can damage heart, lungs and blood-vessels.

    Laceration: Brain laceration is life-threatening or could leave the person disabled for life.

    Our top Toronto personal injury lawyers can build a robust claim based on the circumstances of the case, the nature and extent of your injuries, their impact on your life and that of your family’s and the establishment of negligence and responsibility of the at-fault party.

    Other Serious Injuries

    Skull, rib and extremity-bone fractures are other catastrophic injuries that result from car accidents. They’re caused by blunt trauma, sudden and severe twisting and penetrating injuries. Our experienced personal injury lawyers can ensure that the injured person receives prompt and competent medical attention, diagnosis and treatment.

    Dislocation of hip, knee, ankle/wrist, shoulder joints are other common and serious injuries arising from car accidents.

    Symptoms for all such serious injuries include headaches, dizziness, pain, behavioral changes, verbal and cognitive problems, seizures, sleep disorders, weakness/paralysis, vaginal/rectal bleeding, nausea/vomiting, etc.

    Claiming Compensation

    Ontario’s Statutory Accident Benefits Scheme provides benefits to all victims regardless of fault. However, the compensation may be inadequate to cover the costs of life-time care and treatment and our car accident lawyers can assist you to file a compensation claim that would help you to meet the costs of life-time care and treatment and compensate you for your pecuniary/non-pecuniary losses.

    If you, your family or a friend has been injured in an accident, please feel free to speak to one of our injury lawyers for a free consultation about how we are able to assist in making a personal injury claim. We consult in all cities across Ontario with a no win no fee guarantee. Our personal injury lawyers have helped victims secure millions of dollars in personal injury cases. Call us Toll Free On our 24/7 Injury Hotline: 1 – 844 495 7333 or Text a Personal Injury ‎Lawyer 24/7 and get instant help. (416 931 5015)

  • Car Accident Injuries: What You Need To Know From a Legal Standpoint

    November 10, 2016

    Anyone who’s ever been in a car accident would know how traumatic it can be, whether the injuries and damage sustained are minor or major. Whatever their severity, car accidents put considerable physical, financial and emotional burdens on the injured victims and their families.

    Accidents are usually caused by someone else’s fault or negligence and the injured are entitled to seek compensation from those responsible for the accident. A free consultation injury lawyer can evaluate your case and provide a swift, genuine and comprehensive assessment that would help you to proceed further.

    It’s important that anyone who is involved in an accident gets a thorough clinical evaluation immediately, however minor the injuries appear to be.

    Serious injuries are those that result in profuse internal/external bleeding, head/neck/spine trauma, compound fractures etc. and require airway management and initial resuscitation followed by immediate transfer to an ER. The ER physicians recommend further investigations and also consult with specialists to determine the line of treatment to be adopted. Our top-rated accident lawyers can assist victims and their families to get the best possible medical treatment immediately.

    Common Life-Threatening Injuries

    Generally, the serious and catastrophic injuries seen in victims of car accidents include:

    Head/Brain Injury: Blunt-force trauma, concussion, internal bleeding, skull fractures, cuts, lacerations etc.

    Back/Neck Injury: Spinal-cord damage or severance, whiplash, herniated discs, spinal fractures. Paralysis and disability either short/long-term or permanent can result.

    Burns: From contact or explosions can result in severe injuries, disfigurement, scarring, infections etc, requiring long-term treatment, rehabilitation and plastic-surgery.

    Blunt/Penetrating injuries: Blunt-force trauma causes internal bleeding, organ and soft-tissue damage. Penetrating injuries happen either when an external object pierces the body/head or when broken bones pierce the organs internally. Both these injuries can be extremely dangerous especially when they affect the brain, as continuous bleeding and clotting can put pressure on the brain. Penetrating chest-injuries can damage heart, lungs and blood-vessels.

    Laceration: Brain laceration is life-threatening or could leave the person disabled for life.

    Our top Toronto personal injury lawyers can build a robust claim based on the circumstances of the case, the nature and extent of your injuries, their impact on your life and that of your family’s and the establishment of negligence and responsibility of the at-fault party.

    Other Serious Injuries

    Skull, rib and extremity-bone fractures are other catastrophic injuries that result from car accidents. They’re caused by blunt trauma, sudden and severe twisting and penetrating injuries. Our experienced personal injury lawyers can ensure that the injured person receives prompt and competent medical attention, diagnosis and treatment.

    Dislocation of hip, knee, ankle/wrist, shoulder joints are other common and serious injuries arising from car accidents.

    Symptoms for all such serious injuries include headaches, dizziness, pain, behavioral changes, verbal and cognitive problems, seizures, sleep disorders, weakness/paralysis, vaginal/rectal bleeding, nausea/vomiting, etc.

    Claiming Compensation

    Ontario’s Statutory Accident Benefits Scheme provides benefits to all victims regardless of fault. However, the compensation may be inadequate to cover the costs of life-time care and treatment and our car accident lawyers can assist you to file a compensation claim that would help you to meet the costs of life-time care and treatment and compensate you for your pecuniary/non-pecuniary losses.

    If you, your family or a friend has been injured in an accident, please feel free to speak to one of our injury lawyers for a free consultation about how we are able to assist in making a personal injury claim. We consult in all cities across Ontario with a no win no fee guarantee. Our personal injury lawyers have helped victims secure millions of dollars in personal injury cases. Call us Toll Free On our 24/7 Injury Hotline: 1 – 844 495 7333 or Text a Personal Injury ‎Lawyer 24/7 and get instant help. (416 931 5015)

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